
All geometry and entities are defined in this namespace


CameraThe camera describes the eye point of the viewer looking at the scene.
CircleA Circle curve consists of a set of points in the edge of the circle shape.
CompositeCurveA CompositeCurve is consisting of several curve segments.
CurveThe base class of all curve implementations.
CylinderParameterized Cylinder.
It can also be used to represent the cone when one of radiusTop/radiusBottom is zero.
DishParameterized dish.
EllipseAn Ellipse defines a set of points that form the shape of ellipse.
EndPointThe end point to trim the curve, can be a parameter value or a Cartesian point.
FrustumThe base class of Camera and Light
GeometryThe base class of all renderable geometric objects (like Mesh, NurbsSurface, Patch and etc.).

The Geometry base class supports:

* Control point management , control points defines the base 3D spatial structure of the geometry, different geometric types has different way to define concrete 3D models. Vertex element definition , vertex elements applies extra information like normals/uv coordinates/vertex colors to the geometry, see VertexElement for more details.Object deforming , Deformer can be bonded to animate geometry’s shape.

* Control point management , control points defines the base 3D spatial structure of the geometry, different geometric types has different way to define concrete 3D models. Vertex element definition , vertex elements applies extra information like normals/uv coordinates/vertex colors to the geometry, see VertexElement for more details.Object deforming , Deformer can be bonded to animate geometry’s shape.

* Control point management , control points defines the base 3D spatial structure of the geometry, different geometric types has different way to define concrete 3D models. Vertex element definition , vertex elements applies extra information like normals/uv coordinates/vertex colors to the geometry, see VertexElement for more details.Object deforming , Deformer can be bonded to animate geometry’s shape.
IIndexedVertexElementVertexElement with indices data.
IMeshConvertibleEntities that implemented this interface can be converted to Mesh
IOrientableOrientable entities shall implement this interface.
LightThe light illuminates the scene.

The formula to calculate the total attenuation of light is:
A = ConstantAttenuation + (Dist * LinearAttenuation) + ((Dist^2) * QuadraticAttenuation)
LineA polyline is a path defined by a set of points with Geometry.ControlPoints, and connected by Line.segments,
which means it can also be a set of connected line segments.
The line is usually a linear object, which means it cannot be used to represent a curve, in order to represent a curve, uses NurbsCurve.
LinearExtrusionLinear extrusion takes a 2D shape as input and extends the shape in the 3rd dimension.
MeshA mesh is made of many n-sided polygons.
NurbsCurveNURBS curve is a curve represented by NURBS(Non-uniform rational basis spline),
A NURBS curve is defined by its NurbsCurve.order, a set of weighted Geometry.ControlPoints and a NurbsCurve.KnotVectors
The w component in control point is used as control point’s weight, whatever it is a CurveDimension.TWO_DIMENSIONAL or CurveDimension.THREE_DIMENSIONAL
NurbsDirectionA 3D NurbsSurface has two direction, the NurbsSurface.u and NurbsSurface.v, the NurbsDirection defines data for each direction.
A direction is actually a NURBS curve, that means it’s also defined by its NurbsDirection.order, a NurbsDirection.KnotVectors, and a set of weighted control points(defined in NurbsSurface).
NurbsSurfaceNurbsSurface is a surface represented by NURBS(Non-uniform rational basis spline),
A NurbsSurface is defined by two NurbsDirectionNurbsSurface.u and NurbsSurface.v.
The w component in control point is used as control point’s weight whatever the direction’s type is a CurveDimension.TWO_DIMENSIONAL or CurveDimension.THREE_DIMENSIONAL
PatchA Patch is a parametric modeling surface, similar to NurbsSurface, it’s also defined by two
PatchDirection, the Patch.u and Patch.v.

But difference between Patch and NurbsSurface is that the PatchDirection curve
can be one of PatchDirectionType.BEZIER, PatchDirectionType.QUADRATIC_BEZIER, PatchDirectionType.BASIS_SPLINE, PatchDirectionType.CARDINAL_SPLINE and PatchDirectionType.LINEAR
PatchDirectionPatch’s U and V direction.
PlaneParameterized plane.
PointCloudThe point cloud contains no topology information but only the control points and the vertex elements.
PolygonBuilderA helper class to build polygon for Mesh
PolygonModifierUtilities to modify polygons
PrimitiveBase class for all primitives
PyramidParameterized pyramid.
RectangularTorusParameterized rectangular torus.
RevolvedAreaSolidThis class represents a solid model by revolving a cross section provided by a profile about an axis.
ShapeThe shape describes the deformation on a set of control points, which is similar to the cluster deformer in Maya.
For example, we can add a shape to a created geometry.
And the shape and the geometry have the same topological information but different position of the control points.
With varying amounts of influence, the geometry performs a deformation effect.
SkeletonThe Skeleton is mainly used by CAD software to help designer to manipulate the transformation of skeletal structure, it’s usually useless outside the CAD softwares.
To make the skeleton hierarchy acts like one object in CAD software, it’s necessary to mark the top Skeleton node as the root one by setting Skeleton.type to SkeletonType.SKELETON,
and all children set to SkeletonType.BONE
SphereParameterized sphere.
SweptAreaSolidA SweptAreaSolid constructs a geometry by sweeping a profile along a directrix.
TorusParameterized torus.
TransformedCurveA TransformedCurve gives a curve a placement by using a transformation matrix.
This allows to perform a transformation inside a TrimmedCurve or CompositeCurve.
TriMeshA TriMesh contains raw data that can be used by GPU directly.
This class is a utility to help to construct a mesh that only contains per-vertex data.
TrimmedCurveA bounded curve that trimmed the basis curve at both ends.
VertexElementBase class of vertex elements.
A vertex element type is identified by VertexElementType.
A VertexElement describes how the vertex element is mapped to a geometry surface and how the mapping information is arranged in memory.
A VertexElement contains Normals, UVs or other kind of information.
VertexElementBinormalDefines the binormal vectors for specified components.
VertexElementDoublesTemplateA helper class for defining concrete VertexElement implementations.
VertexElementEdgeCreaseDefines the edge crease for specified components
VertexElementHoleDefines if specified polygon is hole
VertexElementIntsTemplateA helper class for defining concrete VertexElement implementations.
VertexElementMaterialDefines material index for specified components.

A node can have multiple materials, the VertexElementMaterial is used to render different part of the geometry in different materials.
VertexElementNormalDefines normal vectors for specified components.
VertexElementPolygonGroupDefines polygon group for specified components to group related polygons together.
VertexElementSmoothingGroupA smoothing group is a group of polygons in a polygon mesh which should appear to form a smooth surface.
Some early 3d modeling software like 3D studio max for DOS used smoothing group to void storing normal vector for each mesh vertex.
VertexElementSpecularDefines specular color for specified components.
VertexElementTangentDefines tangent vectors for specified components.
VertexElementUVDefines the UV coordinates for specified components.
A geometry can have multiple VertexElementUV elements, and each one have different TextureMappings.
VertexElementUserDataDefines custom user data for specified components.
Usually it’s application-specific data for special purpose.
VertexElementVector4A helper class for defining concrete VertexElement implementations.
VertexElementVertexColorDefines the vertex color for specified components
VertexElementVertexCreaseDefines the vertex crease for specified components
VertexElementVisibilityDefines if specified components is visible
VertexElementWeightDefines blend weight for specified components.


ApertureModeCamera aperture modes.
The aperture mode determines which values drive the camera aperture.
If the aperture mode is HorizAndVert, Horizontal, or Vertical, then the field of view is used.
If the aperture mode is FocalLength, then the focal length is used.
BooleanOperationMesh’s Boolean operation
CurveDimensionThe dimension of the curves.
LightTypeLight types.
MappingModeDetermines how the element is mapped to a surface.
The MappingMode defined how VertexElement is mapped to the surface of geometry.
NurbsTypeNURBS types.
PatchDirectionTypePatch direction’s types.
ProjectionTypeCamera’s projection types.
ReferenceModeReferenceMode defines how mapping information is stored and referenced by.
RotationModeThe frustum’s rotation mode
SkeletonTypeSkeleton’s types.
SplitMeshPolicyShare vertex/control point data between sub-meshes or each sub-mesh has its own compacted data.
TextureMappingThe texture mapping type for VertexElementUV
Describes which kind of texture mapping is used.
VertexElementTypeThe type of the vertex element, defined how it will be used in modeling.