BoundingBox class

BoundingBox class

The axis-aligned bounding box

The BoundingBox type exposes the following members:


initInitialize a finite bounding box with given minimum and maximum corner
initInitialize a finite bounding box with given minimum and maximum corner
initConstructs a new instance of BoundingBox


nullThe null bounding box
infiniteThe infinite bounding box
extentGets the extent of the bounding box.
minimumThe minimum corner of the bounding box
maximumThe maximum corner of the bounding box
sizeThe size of the bounding box
centerThe center of the bounding box.


mergeMerge current bounding box with given point
mergeMerge current bounding box with given point
mergeMerge current bounding box with given point
mergeMerges the new box into the current bounding box.
scaleCalculates the absolute largest coordinate value of any contained point.
from_geometryConstruct a bounding box from given geometry
overlaps_withCheck if current bounding box overlaps with specified bounding box.
containsCheck if the point p is inside the bounding box


The following code shows how to get a bounding box from an Entity instance.

from aspose.threed.entities import Sphere

sphere = Sphere()
boundingBox = sphere.get_bounding_box()
print("Bounding box = "  + str(boundingBox))

See Also