Class TriMesh
]TriMesh class
A TriMesh contains raw data that can be used by GPU directly. This class is a utility to help to construct a mesh that only contains per-vertex data.
public class TriMesh : Entity, IEnumerable<Vertex>
Name | Description |
TriMesh(string, VertexDeclaration) | Initialize an instance of TriMesh |
Name | Description |
Capacity { get; } | The capacity of pre-allocated vertices. |
Excluded { get; set; } | Gets or sets whether to exclude this entity during exporting. |
IndicesCount { get; } | The count of indices in this TriMesh |
virtual Name { get; set; } | Gets or sets the name. |
ParentNode { get; set; } | Gets or sets the first parent node, if set the first parent node, this entity will be detached from other parent nodes. |
ParentNodes { get; } | Gets all parent nodes, an entity can be attached to multiple parent nodes for geometry instancing |
Properties { get; } | Gets the collection of all properties. |
Scene { get; } | Gets the scene that this object belongs to |
UnmergedVerticesCount { get; } | The count of unmerged vertices that passed in by BeginVertex and EndVertex . |
VertexDeclaration { get; } | The vertex layout of the TriMesh . |
VerticesCount { get; } | The count of vertices in this TriMesh |
VerticesSizeInBytes { get; } | The total size of all vertices in bytes |
Name | Description |
static CopyFrom(TriMesh, VertexDeclaration) | Copy the TriMesh from input with new vertex layout |
static FromMesh(Mesh, bool) | Create a TriMesh from given mesh object, the vertex declaration are based on the input mesh’s structure. |
static FromMesh(VertexDeclaration, Mesh) | Create a TriMesh from given mesh object with given vertex layout. |
static FromRawData(VertexDeclaration, byte[], int[], bool) | Create TriMesh from raw data |
AddTriangle(int, int, int) | Add a new triangle |
BeginVertex() | Begin adding vertex |
EndVertex() | End adding vertex |
FindProperty(string) | Finds the property. It can be a dynamic property (Created by CreateDynamicProperty/SetProperty) or native property(Identified by its name) |
GetBoundingBox() | Gets the bounding box of current entity in its object space coordinate system. |
virtual GetEntityRendererKey() | Gets the key of the entity renderer registered in the renderer |
GetEnumerator() | Get the enumerator to enumerate Vertex |
GetProperty(string) | Get the value of specified property |
IndicesToArray(out int[]) | |
IndicesToArray(out ushort[]) | |
LoadVerticesFromBytes(byte[]) | Load vertices from bytes, the length of bytes must be an integer multiple of vertex size. |
ReadDouble(int, VertexField) | Read the double field |
ReadFloat(int, VertexField) | Read the float field |
ReadFVector2(int, VertexField) | Read the vector2 field |
ReadFVector3(int, VertexField) | Read the vector3 field |
ReadFVector4(int, VertexField) | Read the vector4 field |
ReadVector2(int, VertexField) | Read the vector2 field |
ReadVector3(int, VertexField) | Read the vector3 field |
ReadVector4(int, VertexField) | Read the vector4 field |
RemoveProperty(Property) | Removes a dynamic property. |
RemoveProperty(string) | Remove the specified property identified by name |
SetProperty(string, object) | Sets the value of specified property |
override ToString() | Gets the string representation of TriMesh |
VerticesToArray() | Convert the vertices data to byte array |
Write16bIndicesTo(Stream) | Write the indices data as 16bit integer to the stream |
Write32bIndicesTo(Stream) | Write the indices data as 32bit integer to the stream |
WriteVerticesTo(Stream) | Write vertices data to the specified stream |
The following code shows how to create a TriMesh with custom memory layout, and export it to file.
//Define a vertex declaration as {FVector3 Position; FVector3 Normal; FVector2 UV}
VertexDeclaration vd = new VertexDeclaration();
vd.AddField(VertexFieldDataType.FVector3, VertexFieldSemantic.Position);
vd.AddField(VertexFieldDataType.FVector3, VertexFieldSemantic.Normal);
vd.AddField(VertexFieldDataType.FVector2, VertexFieldSemantic.UV);
//convert a mesh to tri-mesh using specified memory layout
var mesh = (new Sphere()).ToMesh();
var triMesh = TriMesh.FromMesh(vd, mesh);
//save it to a stream, 115 vertices * 32bytes per vertex
using (var stream = new FileStream("output.bin", FileMode.Create))
//save indices as ushort to stream, 504 indices * 2 bytes per index
See Also
- class Entity
- class Vertex
- namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Entities
- assembly Aspose.3D