Class BaseGenerationParameters

BaseGenerationParameters class

Barcode image generation parameters.

public class BaseGenerationParameters


AutoSizeMode { get; set; }Specifies the different types of automatic sizing modes. Default value: AutoSizeMode.None.
BackColor { get; set; }Background color of the barcode image. Default value: Color.White. See Color.
Barcode { get; }Gets the BarcodeParameters that contains all barcode properties.
Border { get; }Gets the BorderParameters that contains all configuration properties for barcode border.
CaptionAbove { get; }Caption Above the BarCode image. See CaptionParameters.
CaptionBelow { get; }Caption Below the BarCode image. See CaptionParameters.
Image { get; }Image parameters. See ImageParameters.
ImageHeight { get; set; }BarCode image height when AutoSizeMode property is set to AutoSizeMode.Nearest or AutoSizeMode.Interpolation.
ImageWidth { get; set; }BarCode image width when AutoSizeMode property is set to AutoSizeMode.Nearest or AutoSizeMode.Interpolation.
Resolution { get; set; }Gets or sets the resolution of the BarCode image. One value for both dimensions. Default value: 96 dpi.
RotationAngle { get; set; }BarCode image rotation angle, measured in degree, e.g. RotationAngle = 0 or RotationAngle = 360 means no rotation. If RotationAngle NOT equal to 90, 180, 270 or 0, it may increase the difficulty for the scanner to read the image. Default value: 0.
UseAntiAlias { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether is used anti-aliasing mode to render image

See Also