Aspose.Barcode for PHP via Java Generation and Recognition API docs
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | is1D ($symbology) |
static | isPostal ($symbology) |
static | is2D ($symbology) |
Public Attributes | |
const | NONE = -1 |
const | CODABAR = 0 |
const | CODE_11 = 1 |
const | CODE_39_STANDARD = 2 |
const | CODE_39_EXTENDED = 3 |
const | CODE_93_STANDARD = 4 |
const | CODE_93_EXTENDED = 5 |
const | CODE_128 = 6 |
const | GS_1_CODE_128 = 7 |
const | EAN_8 = 8 |
const | EAN_13 = 9 |
const | EAN_14 = 10 |
const | SCC_14 = 11 |
const | SSCC_18 = 12 |
const | UPCA = 13 |
const | UPCE = 14 |
const | ISBN = 15 |
const | STANDARD_2_OF_5 = 16 |
const | INTERLEAVED_2_OF_5 = 17 |
const | MATRIX_2_OF_5 = 18 |
const | ITALIAN_POST_25 = 19 |
const | IATA_2_OF_5 = 20 |
const | ITF_14 = 21 |
const | ITF_6 = 22 |
const | MSI = 23 |
const | VIN = 24 |
const | OPC = 27 |
const | PZN = 28 |
const | PHARMACODE = 29 |
const | DATA_MATRIX = 30 |
const | GS_1_DATA_MATRIX = 31 |
const | QR = 32 |
const | AZTEC = 33 |
const | PDF_417 = 34 |
const | MACRO_PDF_417 = 35 |
const | MICRO_PDF_417 = 36 |
const | CODABLOCK_F = 65 |
const | AUSTRALIA_POST = 37 |
const | POSTNET = 38 |
const | PLANET = 39 |
const | ONE_CODE = 40 |
const | RM_4_SCC = 41 |
const | DATABAR_TRUNCATED = 43 |
const | DATABAR_LIMITED = 44 |
const | DATABAR_EXPANDED = 45 |
const | DATABAR_STACKED = 54 |
const | PATCH_CODE = 46 |
const | ISSN = 47 |
const | ISMN = 48 |
const | SUPPLEMENT = 49 |
const | SWISS_POST_PARCEL = 51 |
const | CODE_16_K = 52 |
const | MICRO_QR = 56 |
const | COMPACT_PDF_417 = 57 |
const | GS_1_QR = 58 |
const | MAXI_CODE = 59 |
const | MICR_E_13_B = 60 |
const | CODE_32 = 61 |
const | DATA_LOGIC_2_OF_5 = 62 |
const | DOT_CODE = 63 |
const | DUTCH_KIX = 64 |
const | ALL_SUPPORTED_TYPES = 66 |
const | TYPES_1D = 67 |
const | POSTAL_TYPES = 68 |
const | MOST_COMMON_TYPES = 69 |
const | TYPES_2D = 70 |
Specify the type of barcode to read. This sample shows how to detect Code39 and Code128 barcodes. $reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", DecodeType::CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType::CODE_128); foreach($reader->readBarCodes() as $result) { print("BarCode Type: ".$result->getCodeTypeName()); print("BarCode CodeText: ".$result->getCodeText()); }
static |
Determines if the specified BaseDecodeType contains any 1D barcode symbology
$symbology |
static |
Determines if the specified BaseDecodeType contains any 2D barcode symbology
symbology | The BaseDecodeType to test. |
static |
Determines if the specified BaseDecodeType contains any Postal barcode symbology
symbology | The BaseDecodeType to test |
Specifies that data will be checked with all available symbologies
const AUSTRALIA_POST = 37 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const AZTEC = 33 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const CODABAR = 0 |
const CODABLOCK_F = 65 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const CODE_11 = 1 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const CODE_128 = 6 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const CODE_16_K = 52 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const CODE_32 = 61 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
blank specification
const CODE_39_EXTENDED = 3 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const CODE_39_STANDARD = 2 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const CODE_93_EXTENDED = 5 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const CODE_93_STANDARD = 4 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const COMPACT_PDF_417 = 57 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
(Pdf417Truncated) barcode specification
const DATA_LOGIC_2_OF_5 = 62 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
blank specification
const DATA_MATRIX = 30 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode symbology
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const DATABAR_LIMITED = 44 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const DATABAR_STACKED = 54 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const DOT_CODE = 63 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
blank specification
const DUTCH_KIX = 64 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
blank specification
const EAN_13 = 9 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const EAN_14 = 10 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const EAN_8 = 8 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const GS_1_CODE_128 = 7 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const GS_1_DATA_MATRIX = 31 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode symbology
const GS_1_QR = 58 |
const IATA_2_OF_5 = 20 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification. IATA (International Air Transport Association) uses this barcode for the management of air cargo.
const INTERLEAVED_2_OF_5 = 17 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const ISBN = 15 |
const ISMN = 48 |
const ISSN = 47 |
const ITALIAN_POST_25 = 19 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const ITF_14 = 21 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const ITF_6 = 22 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const MACRO_PDF_417 = 35 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const MATRIX_2_OF_5 = 18 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const MAXI_CODE = 59 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const MICR_E_13_B = 60 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
blank specification
const MICRO_PDF_417 = 36 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const MICRO_QR = 56 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const MOST_COMMON_TYPES = 69 |
Specifies that data will be checked with most commonly used symbologies
const MSI = 23 |
const NONE = -1 |
Unspecified decode type.
const ONE_CODE = 40 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with USPS
barcode specification
const OPC = 27 |
const PATCH_CODE = 46 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification. Barcode symbology is used for automated scanning
const PDF_417 = 34 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode symbology
const PHARMACODE = 29 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode. This symbology is also known as Pharmaceutical BINARY Code
const PLANET = 39 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const POSTAL_TYPES = 68 |
Specifies that data will be checked with all of 1.5D POSTAL barcode symbologies, like Planet, Postnet, AustraliaPost, OneCode, RM4SCC, DutchKIX
const POSTNET = 38 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const PZN = 28 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification. This symbology is also known as Pharma Zentral Nummer
const QR = 32 |
const RM_4_SCC = 41 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification. RM4SCC (Royal Mail 4-state Customer Code) is used for automated mail sort process in UK.
const SCC_14 = 11 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const SSCC_18 = 12 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const STANDARD_2_OF_5 = 16 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const SUPPLEMENT = 49 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const SWISS_POST_PARCEL = 51 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const TYPES_1D = 67 |
Specifies that data will be checked with all of 1D barcode symbologies
const TYPES_2D = 70 |
Specifies that data will be checked with all of 2D barcode symbologies
const UPCA = 13 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const UPCE = 14 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
barcode specification
const VIN = 24 |
Specifies that the data should be decoded with
(Vehicle Identification Number) barcode specification