Class TechniquePhong

TechniquePhong class

The technique PHONG. Produces a shaded surface where the specular reflection is shaded according the PHONG BRDF approximation.

public class TechniquePhong : ColladaElement


TechniquePhong()The default constructor.


Ambient { get; set; }Gets or sets the ambient. Declares the amount of ambient light emitted from the surface of this object.
Diffuse { get; set; }Gets or sets the diffuse. Declares the amount of light diffusely reflected from the surface of this object.
Emission { get; set; }Gets or sets the emission. Declares the amount of light emitted from the surface of this object.
IndexOfRefraction { get; set; }Gets or sets the index of refraction. Declares the index of refraction for perfectly refracted light as a single scalar index.
Reflective { get; set; }Gets or sets the reflective. Declares the color of a perfect mirror reflection.
Reflectivity { get; set; }Gets or sets the reflectivity. Declares the amount of perfect mirror reflection to be added to the reflected light as a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
Shininess { get; set; }Gets or sets the shininess. Declares the specular or roughness of the specular reflection lobe.
Specular { get; set; }Gets or sets the specular. Declares the color of light specular reflected from the surface of this object.
Transparency { get; set; }Gets or sets the transparency. Declares the amount of perfectly refracted light added to the reflected color as a scalar value between 0.0 and 1.0.
Transparent { get; set; }Gets or sets the transparent. Declares the color of perfectly refracted light.

See Also