Class DgnSurfaceElement

DgnSurfaceElement class

Represents surface element

public class DgnSurfaceElement : DgnDrawingElementBase


Boundaries { get; }Gets bound elements
BoundElementsCount { get; }Gets bound elements count
IsRational { get; }Gets a value indicating whether the surface is rational
IsUniform { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether the surface is uniformed
Knot { get; }Gets or sets knot
KnotsCountU { get; }Gets knots count for U
KnotsCountV { get; }Gets knots count for V
override MaxPoint { get; }Gets the max point of object.
Metadata { get; }Gets element metadata
override MinPoint { get; }Gets the min point of object.
OrderU { get; }Gets Order for U
OrderV { get; }Gets Order for V
Poles { get; }Gets poles
PolesCountU { get; }Gets poles count for U
PolesCountV { get; }Gets poles count for V
PropertiesU { get; }Gets Properties for U
PropertiesV { get; }Gets Properties for V
RuleLinesU { get; }Gets rule lines for U
RuleLinesV { get; }Gets rule lines for V
SurfaceType { get; }Gets surface type
Weights { get; }Gets weights

See Also