Class CurveSampler

CurveSampler class

Utility class to create samplers from curve collections.

public static class CurveSampler


static CreateHermitePointWeights(float)Calculates the Hermite point weights for a given amount
static CreateHermiteTangentWeights(float)Calculates the Hermite tangent weights for a given amount
static CreateSampler(this IEnumerable<(float, (ArraySegment<float>, ArraySegment<float>, ArraySegment<float>))>, bool)
static CreateSampler(this IEnumerable<(float, (float[], float[], float[]))>, bool)
static CreateSampler(this IEnumerable<(float, (Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion))>, bool)
static CreateSampler(this IEnumerable<(float, (SparseWeight8, SparseWeight8, SparseWeight8))>, bool)
static CreateSampler(this IEnumerable<(float, (Vector3, Vector3, Vector3))>, bool)
static CreateSampler(this IEnumerable<(float, ArraySegment<float>)>, bool, bool)
static CreateSampler(this IEnumerable<(float, float[])>, bool, bool)
static CreateSampler(this IEnumerable<(float, Quaternion)>, bool, bool)
static CreateSampler(this IEnumerable<(float, SparseWeight8)>, bool, bool)
static CreateSampler(this IEnumerable<(float, Vector3)>, bool, bool)
static CreateTangent(float[], float[], float)
static CreateTangent(Quaternion, Quaternion, float)
static CreateTangent(Vector3, Vector3, float)
static FindRangeContainingOffset(IEnumerable<float>, float)Given a sequence of offsets and an offset, it finds two consecutive offsets that contain offset between them.
static FindRangeContainingOffset<T>(this IEnumerable<(float Key, T Value)>, float)Given a sequence of float+T pairs and an offset, it finds two consecutive values that contain offset between them.
static InterpolateCubic(IReadOnlyList<float>, IReadOnlyList<float>, IReadOnlyList<float>, IReadOnlyList<float>, float)
static InterpolateCubic(Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion, float)
static InterpolateCubic(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, float)
static InterpolateLinear(IReadOnlyList<float>, IReadOnlyList<float>, float)
static SplitByTime<T>(this IEnumerable<(float Time, T Value)>)Splits the input sequence into chunks of 1 second for faster access
static Subtract(IReadOnlyList<float>, IReadOnlyList<float>)

See Also