Interface IPrimitiveReaderTMaterial

IPrimitiveReader<TMaterial> interface

public interface IPrimitiveReader<TMaterial>


Lines { get; }Gets the indices of all lines.
Material { get; }Gets the current TMaterial instance used by this primitive.
MorphTargets { get; }Gets the list of IPrimitiveMorphTargetReader.
Points { get; }Gets the indices of all points.
Surfaces { get; }Gets the indices of all the surfaces.
Triangles { get; }Gets the indices of all the surfaces as triangles.
VertexType { get; }Gets a generic type of VertexBuilder.
Vertices { get; }Gets the list of IVertexBuilder vertices.
VerticesPerPrimitive { get; }Gets the number of vertices used by each primitive shape. Valid values: 1- Points. 2- Lines. 3- Triangles.


GetIndices()Calculates the raw list of indices to use for this primitive.

See Also