static CreateDefault() | |
Clone() | |
GetChannel(KnownChannel) | |
GetChannel(string) | |
RemoveChannel(KnownChannel) | |
UseChannel(KnownChannel) | |
UseChannel(string) | |
WithAlpha(AlphaMode, float) | |
WithBaseColor(Vector4) | |
WithBaseColor(ImageBuilder, Vector4?) | |
WithChannelImage(KnownChannel, ImageBuilder) | |
WithChannelImage(string, ImageBuilder) | |
WithChannelParam(KnownChannel, Vector4) | |
WithChannelParam(string, Vector4) | |
WithChannelParam(KnownChannel, KnownProperty, object) | |
WithClearCoat(ImageBuilder, float) | |
WithClearCoatNormal(ImageBuilder) | |
WithClearCoatRoughness(ImageBuilder, float) | |
WithDiffuse(Vector4) | |
WithDiffuse(ImageBuilder, Vector4?) | |
WithDoubleSide(bool) | |
WithEmissive(Vector3, float) | |
WithEmissive(ImageBuilder, Vector3?, float) | |
WithFallback(MaterialBuilder) | Defines a fallback MaterialBuilder instance for the current MaterialBuilder . |
WithIridiscence(ImageBuilder, float, float) | |
WithIridiscenceThickness(ImageBuilder, float, float) | |
WithMetallicRoughness(float?, float?) | |
WithMetallicRoughness(ImageBuilder, float?, float?) | |
WithMetallicRoughnessFallback(ImageBuilder, Vector4?, ImageBuilder, float?, float?) | |
WithMetallicRoughnessShader() | Sets ShaderStyle to use SHADERPBRMETALLICROUGHNESS . |
WithNormal(ImageBuilder, float) | |
WithOcclusion(ImageBuilder, float) | |
WithShader(string) | Sets ShaderStyle . |
WithSpecularColor(ImageBuilder, Vector3?) | |
WithSpecularFactor(ImageBuilder, float) | |
WithSpecularGlossiness(Vector3?, float?) | |
WithSpecularGlossiness(ImageBuilder, Vector3?, float?) | |
WithSpecularGlossinessShader() | Sets ShaderStyle to use SHADERPBRSPECULARGLOSSINESS . |
WithTransmission(ImageBuilder, float) | |
WithUnlitShader() | Sets ShaderStyle to use SHADERUNLIT . |
WithVolumeAttenuation(Vector3, float) | |
WithVolumeThickness(ImageBuilder, float) | |
static AreEqualByContent(MaterialBuilder, MaterialBuilder) | |
static GetContentHashCode(MaterialBuilder) | |