

MemoryAccessorWraps a ArraySegment decoding it and exposing its content as arrays of different types.


AttributeFormatDefines the formatting in which a byte sequence can be encoded/decoded to attribute elements.
IntegerArrayWraps an encoded Memory and exposes it as an IList.
Matrix2x2ArrayWraps an encoded Memory and exposes it as an IList.
Matrix3x2ArrayWraps an encoded Memory and exposes it as an IList.
Matrix3x3ArrayWraps an encoded Memory and exposes it as an IList.
Matrix4x3ArrayWraps an encoded Memory and exposes it as an IList.
Matrix4x4ArrayWraps an encoded Memory and exposes it as an IList.
MemoryImageRepresents an image file stored as an in-memory byte array
MultiArrayWraps an encoded Memory and exposes it as an IList{Single[]}/>.
QuaternionArrayWraps an encoded Memory and exposes it as an IList.
ScalarArrayWraps an encoded Memory and exposes it as an IList.
Vector2ArrayWraps an encoded Memory and exposes it as an IList.
Vector3ArrayWraps an encoded Memory and exposes it as an IList.
Vector4ArrayWraps an encoded Memory and exposes it as an IList.