
Vector3Array(Memory<byte>, int, EncodingType, bool)

Initializes a new instance of the Vector3Array struct.

public Vector3Array(Memory<byte> source, int byteStride = 0, 
    EncodingType encoding = EncodingType.FLOAT, bool normalized = false)
sourceMemory`1The array range to wrap.
byteStrideInt32The byte stride between elements. If the value is zero, the size of the item is used instead.
encodingEncodingTypeA value of EncodingType.
normalizedBooleanTrue if values are normalized.

See Also

Vector3Array(Memory<byte>, int, int, int, EncodingType, bool)

Initializes a new instance of the Vector3Array struct.

public Vector3Array(Memory<byte> source, int byteOffset, int itemsCount, int byteStride, 
    EncodingType encoding = EncodingType.FLOAT, bool normalized = false)
sourceMemory`1The array range to wrap.
byteOffsetInt32The zero-based index of the first Byte in source.
itemsCountInt32The number of Vector3 items in source.
byteStrideInt32The byte stride between elements. If the value is zero, the size of the item is used instead.
encodingEncodingTypeA value of EncodingType.
normalizedBooleanTrue if values are normalized.

See Also