Class GlbData

GlbData class

The root object for a glTF asset.

public class GlbData : ExtraProperties, IConvertibleToGltf2


Asset { get; }
DefaultScene { get; set; }
Extensions { get; }Gets a collection of JsonSerializable instances.
ExtensionsRequired { get; }
ExtensionsUsed { get; }
Extras { get; set; }Gets or sets the extras content of this instance.
IncompatibleExtensions { get; }
LogicalAccessors { get; }
LogicalAnimations { get; }
LogicalBuffers { get; }
LogicalBufferViews { get; }
LogicalCameras { get; }
LogicalImages { get; }
LogicalMaterials { get; }
LogicalMeshes { get; }
LogicalNodes { get; }
LogicalPunctualLights { get; }Gets A collection of PunctualLight instances.
LogicalScenes { get; }
LogicalSkins { get; }
LogicalTextures { get; }
LogicalTextureSamplers { get; }
MeshQuantizationAllowed { get; }


static CreateModel()Creates a new GlbImage instance.
static Load(Stream, ReadSettings)
static LoadGlbImage(string, ReadSettings)Reads a GlbImage instance from a path pointing to a GLB or a GLTF file
static ParseGLB(ArraySegment<byte>, ReadSettings)Parses a GlbImage instance from a Byte array representing a GLB file
static ReadGLB(Stream, ReadSettings)Reads a GlbImage instance from a Stream representing a GLB file
ApplyBasisTransform(Matrix4x4, string)Applies a world transform to all the scenes of the model.
CreateAccessor(string)Creates a new Accessor instance and adds it to !:GLTF.Schema2.ModelRoot.LogicalAccessors.
CreateAnimation(string)Creates a new Animation instance and adds it to !:GlbImage.LogicalAnimations.
CreateBuffer(int)Creates a new Buffer instance and adds it to !:GlbImage.LogicalBuffers.
CreateBufferView(int, int, BufferMode?)
CreateCamera(string)Creates a new Camera instance. and appends it to !:GlbImage.LogicalCameras.
CreateImage(string)Creates a new Image instance. and appends it to !:GlbImage.LogicalImages.
CreateMaterial(string)Creates a new Material instance and appends it to !:GlbImage.LogicalMaterials.
CreateMesh(string)Creates a new Mesh instance and appends it to !:GlbImage.LogicalMeshes.
CreatePunctualLight(PunctualLightType)Creates a new PunctualLight instance and adds it to !:GlbImage.LogicalPunctualLights.
CreatePunctualLight(string, PunctualLightType)Creates a new PunctualLight instance. and adds it to !:GlbImage.LogicalPunctualLights.
CreateSkin(string)Creates a new Skin instance and adds it to !:GlbImage.LogicalSkins.
DeepClone()Creates a complete clone of this GlbData instance.
GetJsonPreview()Gets the JSON document of this GlbImage.
IsolateMemory()Refreshes all internal memory buffers.
MergeBuffers()Merges all the !:GlbImage.LogicalBuffers instances into a single big one.
MergeBuffers(int)Merges all the !:GlbImage.LogicalBuffers instances into buffers of maxSize size.
MergeImages()Transfers all the !:GlbImage.LogicalImages content into BufferView instances
Save(string, WriteSettings)Writes this GlbImage to a file in GLTF or GLB based on the extension of filePath.
SaveGLB(string, WriteSettings)Writes this GlbImage to a file in GLB format.
SaveGlbImage(Stream, WriteSettings)
SaveGLTF(string, WriteSettings)Writes this GlbImage to a file in GLTF format.
SaveGLTF(Stream, Stream, string, WriteSettings)
UseBuffer(byte[])Creates or reuses a Buffer instance at !:GlbImage.LogicalBuffers.
UseBufferView(ArraySegment<byte>, int, BufferMode?)Creates or reuses a BufferView instance at !:GlbImage.LogicalBufferViews.
UseBufferView(Buffer, int, int?, int, BufferMode?)Creates or reuses a BufferView instance at !:GlbImage.LogicalBufferViews.
UseBufferView(byte[], int, int?, int, BufferMode?)Creates or reuses a BufferView instance at !:GlbImage.LogicalBufferViews.
UseImage(MemoryImage)Creates or reuses a Image instance.
UseScene(int)Creates or reuses a Scene instance at !:GlbImage.LogicalScenes.
UseScene(string)Creates or reuses a Scene instance that has the same name at !:GlbImage.LogicalScenes.
UseTexture(ImageGlb, TextureSampler)Creates or reuses a Texture instance at !:GlbImage.LogicalTextures.
UseTexture(ImageGlb, ImageGlb, TextureSampler)Creates or reuses a Texture instance at !:GlbImage.LogicalTextures.
UseTextureSampler(TextureWrapMode, TextureWrapMode, TextureMipMapFilter, TextureInterpolationFilter)Creates or reuses a TextureSampler instance at !:GlbImage.LogicalTextureSamplers.
WriteGLB(WriteSettings)Writes this GlbImage to a Byte array in GLB format.
WriteGLB(Stream, WriteSettings)Writes this GlbImage to a Stream in GLB format.
static GetSatellitePaths(string)Gets the list of satellite / dependency files for a given glTF file. This includes binary blobs and texture images.
static Validate(string)

See Also