Enum TiffTags
TiffTags enumeration
The tiff tag enum.
public enum TiffTags
Name | Value | Description |
SubFileType | 254 | Subfile data descriptor. |
OsubfileType | 255 | [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Kind of data in subfile. |
ImageWidth | 256 | Image width in pixels. |
ImageLength | 257 | Image height in pixels. |
BitsPerSample | 258 | Bits per channel (sample). |
Compression | 259 | Data compression technique. |
Photometric | 262 | Photometric interpretation. |
Thresholding | 263 | [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Thresholding used on data. |
CellWidth | 264 | [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Dithering matrix width. |
CellLength | 265 | [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Dithering matrix height. |
FillOrder | 266 | Data order within a byte. |
DocumentName | 269 | Name of document which holds for image. |
ImageDescription | 270 | Information about image. |
Make | 271 | Scanner manufacturer name. |
Model | 272 | Scanner model name/number. |
StripOffsets | 273 | Offsets to data strips. |
Orientation | 274 | [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Image orientation. |
SamplesPerPixel | 277 | Samples per pixel. |
RowsPerStrip | 278 | Rows per strip of data. |
StripByteCounts | 279 | Bytes counts for strips. |
MinSampleValue | 280 | [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Minimum sample value. |
MaxSampleValue | 281 | [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Maximum sample value. |
Xresolution | 282 | Pixels/resolution in x. |
Yresolution | 283 | Pixels/resolution in y. |
PlanarConfig | 284 | Storage organization. |
PageName | 285 | Page name image is from. |
Xposition | 286 | X page offset of image lhs. |
Yposition | 287 | Y page offset of image lhs. |
FreeOffsets | 288 | [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Byte offset to free block. |
FreeByteCounts | 289 | [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Sizes of free blocks. |
GrayResponseUnit | 290 | [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 6.0] Gray scale curve accuracy. |
GrayResponseCurve | 291 | [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 6.0] Gray scale response curve. |
T4Options | 292 | TIFF 6.0 proper name alias for GROUP3OPTIONS. Options for CCITT Group 3 fax encoding. 32 flag bits. |
T6Options | 293 | Options for CCITT Group 4 fax encoding. 32 flag bits. TIFF 6.0 proper name alias for GROUP4OPTIONS. |
ResolutionUnit | 296 | Units of resolutions. |
PageNumber | 297 | Page numbers of multi-page. |
ColorResponseUnit | 300 | [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 6.0] Color curve accuracy. |
TransferFunction | 301 | Colorimetry info. |
Software | 305 | Name & release. |
DateTime | 306 | Creation date and time. |
Artist | 315 | Creator of image. |
HostComputer | 316 | Machine where created. |
Predictor | 317 | Prediction scheme w/ LZW. |
WhitePoint | 318 | Image white point. |
PrimaryChromaticities | 319 | Primary chromaticities. |
ColorMap | 320 | RGB map for pallette image. |
HalftoneHints | 321 | Highlight + shadow info. |
TileWidth | 322 | Tile width in pixels. |
TileLength | 323 | Tile height in pixels. |
TileOffsets | 324 | Offsets to data tiles. |
TileByteCounts | 325 | Byte counts for tiles. |
BadFaxLines | 326 | Lines with wrong pixel count. |
CleanFaxData | 327 | Regenerated line info. |
ConsecutiveBadFaxLines | 328 | Max consecutive bad lines. |
SubIfd | 330 | Subimage descriptors. |
InkSet | 332 | Inks in separated image. |
InkNames | 333 | ASCII names of inks. |
NumberOfInks | 334 | Number of inks. |
DotRange | 336 | 0% and 100% dot codes. |
TargetPrinter | 337 | Separation target. |
ExtraSamples | 338 | Information about extra samples. |
SampleFormat | 339 | Data sample format. |
SminSampleValue | 340 | Variable MinSampleValue. |
SmaxSampleValue | 341 | Variable MaxSampleValue. |
TransferRange | 342 | Variable TransferRange |
ClipPath | 343 | ClipPath. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote 2. |
Xclippathunits | 344 | XClipPathUnits. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote 2. |
Yclippathunits | 345 | YClipPathUnits. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote 2. |
Indexed | 346 | Indexed. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF Technote 3. |
JpegTables | 347 | JPEG table stream. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0. |
OpiProxy | 351 | OPI Proxy. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote. |
JpegProc | 512 | [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] JPEG processing algorithm. |
JpegInerchangeFormat | 513 | [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] Pointer to SOI marker. |
JpegInterchangeFormatLength | 514 | [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] JFIF stream length |
JpegRestartInterval | 515 | [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] Restart interval length. |
JpegLosslessPredictors | 517 | [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] Lossless proc predictor. |
JpegPointTransform | 518 | [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] Lossless point transform. |
JpegQTables | 519 | [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] Q matrice offsets. |
JpegDCtables | 520 | [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] DCT table offsets. |
JpegACtables | 521 | [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] AC coefficient offsets. |
YcbcrCoefficients | 529 | RGB -> YCbCr transform. |
YcbcrSubSampling | 530 | YCbCr subsampling factors. |
YcbcrPositioning | 531 | Subsample positioning. |
ReferenceBlackWhite | 532 | Colorimetry info. |
XmlPacket | 700 | XML packet. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe XMP Specification, January 2004. |
OpiImageid | 32781 | OPI ImageID. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote. |
Refpts | 32953 | Image reference points. Private tag registered to Island Graphics. |
Copyright | 33432 | Copyright string. This tag is listed in the TIFF rev. 6.0 w/ unknown ownership. |
PhotoshopResources | 34377 | Photoshop image resources. |
IccProfile | 34675 | The embedded ICC device profile |
ExifIfdPointer | 34665 | A pointer to the Exif IFD. |
XPTitle | 40091 | Information about image, used by Windows Explorer. The XPTitle is ignored by Windows Explorer if the ImageDescription tag exists. |
XPComment | 40092 | Comment on image, used by Windows Explorer. |
XPAuthor | 40093 | Image Author, used by Windows Explorer. The XPAuthor is ignored by Windows Explorer if the Artist tag exists. |
XPKeywords | 40094 | Image Keywords, used by Windows Explorer. |
XPSubject | 40095 | Subject image, used by Windows Explorer. |
See Also
- namespace Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Tiff.Enums
- assembly Aspose.CAD