TransformationMatrix class

TransformationMatrix class

Represents 3d transformation matrix

The TransformationMatrix type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the TransformationMatrix class
initInitializes a new instance of the TransformationMatrix class.


copyPerforms copy of one TransformationMatrix into other.
scaleScaling of a matrix
from_axisFrom the axis.
rotate_xRotation matrix around X
rotate_yRotation matrix around Y
rotate_zRotation matrix around Z
top_viewTopView matrix
front_viewFrontView matrix
side_viewSideView matrix
perspectiveCreates perspective matrix.
transposePerforms transposing of matrix.
axonometricAxonometric projection
translateTranslation matrix
vector_multiplyApplies transformation to point
get_wcsWCSs the specified normal vector.
ucs_to_wcsUcses to WCS.
oc_sto_wcsTransforms OCS coordinates to WSC
invertGiven an nXn matrix A, solve n linear equations to find the inverse of A.
cloneCreates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
determinantEstimates determinant of a matrix.

See Also