DwfWhipFilledEllipse class

DwfWhipFilledEllipse class

Represents Filled Ellipse

Inheritance: DwfWhipFilledEllipseDwfWhipEllipseDwfWhipDrawableDwfWhipObject

The DwfWhipFilledEllipse type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of DwfWhipFilledEllipse


is_materializedGets or sets value, that object is materialized
colorGets or sets Color
line_weightGets or sets line weight
is_visibleGets or sets a value indicating whether object is visible.
transform_matrixGets or sets transform matrix
line_styleGets or sets line style
layer_indexGets or sets layer index
min_pointGets the min point of object.
max_pointGets the max point of object.
positionGets or sets Center point of ellipse.
majorGets or sets Major axis radius.
minorGets or sets Minor axis radius.
startGets or sets Start angle (in 360/65,536ths of a degree.)
endGets or sets End angle (in 360/65,536ths of a degree.)
rotationGets or sets Rotation angle (in 360/65,536ths of a degree.)
is_transformedGets of sets is transformed

See Also