MotionWienerFilterOptions class

MotionWienerFilterOptions class

Deconvolution filter options deblur motion

Inheritance: MotionWienerFilterOptionsDeconvolutionFilterOptionsFilterOptionsBase

The MotionWienerFilterOptions type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the MotionWienerFilterOptions class.


snrGets or sets the SNR(signal-to-noise ratio)
recommended range 0.002 - 0.009, default value = 0.007
brightnessGets or sets the brightness.
recommended range 1 - 1.5
default value = 1.15
grayscaleGets or sets a value indicating whether this DeconvolutionFilterOptions is grayscale.
Return grayscale mode or RGB mode.
lengthGets or sets the length.
smoothGets or sets the smooth.
angleGets or sets the angle in gradus.

See Also