CadPoint class

CadPoint class

Class describing Cad Point

Inheritance: CadPointCadCircleCadExtrudedEntityBaseCadEntityBaseCadOwnedObjectBaseCadObjectBase

The CadPoint type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the CadPoint class.


embedded_objects_containerGets or sets the embedded objects container.
object_handleGets or sets the object handle.
xdata_containerGets or sets the xdata container.
attributesGets or sets the attributes.
application_codes_containerGets or sets the application defined codes container.
attribute_102_valuesGets or sets the attribute102 values.
numreactorsThe Numreactors
reactorsGet or sets the reactors handle
storage_flagGets or sets a value indicating that this entity has associated binary data in the data store.
hard_ownerGets or sets the hard owner.
soft_ownerGets or sets the soft owner.
is_soft_owner_setGets a value indicating whether soft owner is set.
idGets the identifier.
type_nameGets the name of the type.
child_objectsGets or sets the child entities that make up the current entity.
color_idGets or sets the color id (ACI color) of the entity.
layout_tab_nameGets or sets the name of the layout tab.
color_nameGets or sets the name of the color.
color_valueGets or sets the true color value (RGB) of the entity.
layer_nameGets or sets the name of the layer the entity belongs to.
line_scaleGets or sets the linetype scale factor of the entity.
line_type_nameGets or sets the name of the line type based on the CadEntityBase.l_type value.
line_weightGets or sets the line weight for the entity.
materialGets or sets the material.
color_handleGets or sets the color handle.
plot_styleGets or sets the plot style.
Gets or sets the plot style handle.
proxy_bytes_countGets or sets the proxy bytes count.
proxy_dataGets or sets the proxy data.
shadow_modeGets or sets the shadow mode.
space_modeGets or sets a value indicating which space the entity belongs to.
boundsMinimal and maximal points of entity. Filled after GetBounds is called for CadImage.
transparencyGets or sets the transparency value for the entity.
visibleGets or sets a value indicating whether this CadEntityBase is visible.
hyperlinkGets or sets a hyperlink to an entity and displays the hyperlink name or description (if one is specified).
x_dir_missing_flagGets or sets a value indicating that no XDictionary handle is stored for this entity.
is_by_layerGets or sets a value indicating that the entity has linetype set by layer.
is_no_linksGets or sets a value indicating that the entity has no links.
l_typeGets or sets a value the current linetype of the entity.
plot_style_flagGets or sets a value the current plot style of the entity
assoc_view_port_handleGets or sets of the associated view port handle.
is_assoc_view_port_handle_setGets a value indicating whether associated view port handle is set.
areaGets the area of the entity.
lengthGets the length of the entity.
extrusion_directionGets or sets the extrusion direction.
center_pointGets or sets the centerPoint.
radiusGets or sets the radius.
thicknessGets or sets the thickness.
default_pointGets the default point.
point_locationGets or sets the point location.
start_angleGets or sets angle XAxis.


get_uidIdentifier to use if object handle doesn’t work. Done as method not to disturb FileComparer’s property comparer

See Also