CadImage class

CadImage class

Cad image class

Inheritance: CadImageImageDataStreamSupporterDisposableObject

The CadImage type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the CadImage class.


disposedGets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
data_stream_containerGets the object’s data stream.
is_cachedGets a value indicating whether object’s data is cached currently and no data reading is required.
boundsGets the image bounds.
containerGets the Image container.
heightGets the image height.
depthGets the image depth.
paletteGets or sets the color palette.
sizeGets the image size.
widthGets the image width.
unit_typeGets current unit type.
unitless_default_unit_typeAssumed unit type when UnitType is set to Unitless
annotation_serviceGets the annotation service.
active_pageGets the active page.
default_line_weightGets or sets the default line weight.
default_fontGets or sets the default font.
file_encodingGets file’s encoding
application_versionGets or sets the application version.
maintenance_versionGets or sets the maintenance version.
specified_encodingGets or sets the specified encoding.
specified_mif_encodingGets or sets the specified MIF character encoding
line_typesGets or sets the dimension styles.
block_entitiesGets or sets the block entities.
class_entitiesGets or sets the class entities.
thumbnail_imageGets or sets the thumbnail image.
blocks_tablesGets or sets the blocks tables.
dimension_stylesGets or sets the dimension styles.
entitiesGets or sets the entities.
objectsGets or sets the objects.
layersGets or sets the layers.
max_pointGets the max point.
min_pointGets the min point.
stylesGets or sets the styles.
headerGets or sets the header.
view_portsGets or sets the view ports.
viewsGets or sets the views.
uc_ssGets or sets the uc ss.
cad_acdsGets or sets the CadAcds list
app_id_tablesGets or sets the application identifier tables.


saveSaves the image data to the underlying stream.
saveSaves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.
saveSaves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.
saveSaves the object’s data to the specified stream.
saveSaves the object’s data to the specified file location.
saveSaves the object’s data to the specified file location.
can_loadDetermines whether image can be loaded from the specified file path.
can_loadDetermines whether an image can be loaded from the specified file path and optionally using the specified open options
can_loadDetermines whether image can be loaded from the specified stream.
can_loadDetermines whether image can be loaded from the specified stream and optionally using the specified load_options.
get_file_formatGets the file format.
get_file_formatGets the file format.
loadLoads a new image from the specified file.
loadLoads a new image from the specified file.
loadLoads a new image from the specified stream.
loadLoads a new image from the specified stream.
loadLoads a new image from the specified stream.
get_boundsFills Bounds property (contain minimum and maximum point of entity) for all entities.
get_boundsFills Bounds property (contains minimum and maximum point) for entity.
cache_dataCaches the data and ensures no additional data loading will be performed from the underlying DataStreamSupporter.data_stream_container.
get_stringsGets all string values from image.
can_saveDetermines whether image can be saved to the specified file format represented by the passed save options.
update_sizeUpdates size of an image after changes, that may affect initial size, e.g. removing of entities.
MinPoint, MaxPoint, Width and Height properties of image are updated.
try_remove_entityRemoves entity from blocks for DWG format.

See Also