
The namespace contains entities of GLB scenes.


CameraBuilderRepresents an camera object.
ContentTransformerRepresents the transform of a InstanceBuilder.content.

Applies a transform to the underlaying content object (usually a Mesh, a Camera or a light)
FixedTransformerRepresents the transform of a InstanceBuilder.content.

Applies a fixed Matrix4x4 transform to the underlaying content.
InstanceBuilderRepresents an element within SceneBuilder.instances
LightBuilderRepresents the base class light object.
NodeBuilderDefines a node object within an armature.
RigidTransformerRepresents the transform of a InstanceBuilder.content.

Applies the transform of a single NodeBuilder to the underlaying content.
SceneBuilderRepresents the root scene for models, cameras and lights.
SceneBuilderSchema2SettingsDefines configurable options for converting SceneBuilder to GlbImage
SkinnedTransformerRepresents the transform of a InstanceBuilder.content.

Applies the transforms of many NodeBuilder to the underlaying content.