Aspose::Cells::Drawing::Equations::RadicalEquationNode class

RadicalEquationNode class

This class specifies the radical equation, consisting of an optional degree deg(EquationNodeType.Degree) and a base.

class RadicalEquationNode : public Aspose::Cells::Drawing::Equations::EquationNode


AddChild(EquationNodeType equationType)Insert a node of the specified type at the end of the child node list of the current node.
AddChild(const EquationNode& node)Inserts the specified node at the end of the current node’s list of child nodes.
static CreateNode(EquationNodeType equationType, const Workbook& workbook, const EquationNode& parent)Create a node of the specified type.
EquationNode(EquationNode_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
EquationNode(const EquationNode& src)Copy constructor.
EquationNode(const FontSetting& src)Constructs from a parent object.
FontSetting(int32_t startIndex, int32_t length, const WorksheetCollection& sheets)
FontSetting(FontSetting_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
FontSetting(const FontSetting& src)Copy constructor.
GetChild(int32_t index)Returns the node at the specified index among the children of the current node.
GetEquationType()Get the equation type of the current node.
GetFont()Returns the font of this object.
GetLength()Gets the length of the characters.
GetParentNode()Specifies the parent node of the current node.
GetStartIndex()Gets the start index of the characters.
GetTextOptions()Returns the text options.
GetType()Represents the type of the node.
InsertAfter(EquationNodeType equationType)Inserts the specified node after the current node.
InsertBefore(EquationNodeType equationType)Inserts the specified node before the current node.
InsertChild(int32_t index, EquationNodeType equationType)Inserts a node of the specified type at the specified index position in the current node’s child node list.
IsDegHide()Whether to hide the degree of radicals.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const RadicalEquationNode& src)operator=
operator=(const EquationNode& src)operator=
operator=(const FontSetting& src)operator=
RadicalEquationNode(RadicalEquationNode_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
RadicalEquationNode(const RadicalEquationNode& src)Copy constructor.
RadicalEquationNode(const EquationNode& src)Constructs from a parent object.
Remove()Removes itself from the parent.
RemoveAllChildren()Removes all the child nodes of the current node.
RemoveChild(const EquationNode& node)Removes the specified node from the current node’s children.
RemoveChild(int32_t index)Removes the node at the specified index from the current node’s children.
SetIsDegHide(bool value)Whether to hide the degree of radicals.
SetParentNode(const EquationNode& value)Specifies the parent node of the current node.
SetWordArtStyle(PresetWordArtStyle style)Sets the preset WordArt style.


_implThe implementation object.

See Also