Aspose::Cells::Drawing::LineFormat class

LineFormat class

Represents all setting of the line.

class LineFormat : public Aspose::Cells::Drawing::FillFormat


Equals(const Aspose::Cells::Object& obj)Determines whether this instance has the same value as another specified LineFormat object.
FillFormat(FillFormat_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
FillFormat(const FillFormat& src)Copy constructor.
GetBeginArrowheadLength()Gets and sets the begin arrow length type of the line.
GetBeginArrowheadStyle()Gets and sets the begin arrow type of the line.
GetBeginArrowheadWidth()Gets and sets the begin arrow width type of the line.
GetCapType()Specifies the ending caps.
GetCompoundType()Specifies the line compound type.
GetDashStyle()Specifies the line dash type.
GetEndArrowheadLength()Gets and sets the end arrow length type of the line.
GetEndArrowheadStyle()Gets and sets the end arrow type of the line.
GetEndArrowheadWidth()Gets and sets the end arrow width type of the line.
GetFillType()Gets and sets fill type.
GetGradientColor1()Returns the gradient color 1 for the specified fill.
GetGradientColor2()Returns the gradient color 2 for the specified fill.
GetGradientColorType()Returns the gradient color type for the specified fill.
GetGradientDegree()Returns the gradient degree for the specified fill. Only applies for Excel 2007.
GetGradientFill()Gets GradientFill object.
GetGradientStyle()Returns the gradient style for the specified fill.
GetGradientVariant()Returns the gradient variant for the specified fill. Only applies for Excel 2007.
GetHashCode()Gets the hash code.
GetImageData()Gets and sets the picture image data.
GetJoinType()Specifies the line join type.
GetPattern()Represents an area’s display pattern.
GetPatternFill()Gets PatternFill object.
GetPictureFormatType()Gets and sets the picture format type.
GetPresetColor()Returns the gradient preset color for the specified fill.
GetScale()Gets and sets the picture format scale.
GetSolidFill()Gets SolidFill object.
GetTexture()Represents the texture type for the specified fill.
GetTextureFill()Gets TextureFill object.
GetTransparency()Returns or sets the degree of transparency of the area as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
GetWeight()Gets or sets the weight of the line in unit of points.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
LineFormat(LineFormat_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
LineFormat(const LineFormat& src)Copy constructor.
LineFormat(const FillFormat& src)Constructs from a parent object.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const LineFormat& src)operator=
operator=(const FillFormat& src)operator=
SetBeginArrowheadLength(MsoArrowheadLength value)Gets and sets the begin arrow length type of the line.
SetBeginArrowheadStyle(MsoArrowheadStyle value)Gets and sets the begin arrow type of the line.
SetBeginArrowheadWidth(MsoArrowheadWidth value)Gets and sets the begin arrow width type of the line.
SetCapType(LineCapType value)Specifies the ending caps.
SetCompoundType(MsoLineStyle value)Specifies the line compound type.
SetDashStyle(MsoLineDashStyle value)Specifies the line dash type.
SetEndArrowheadLength(MsoArrowheadLength value)Gets and sets the end arrow length type of the line.
SetEndArrowheadStyle(MsoArrowheadStyle value)Gets and sets the end arrow type of the line.
SetEndArrowheadWidth(MsoArrowheadWidth value)Gets and sets the end arrow width type of the line.
SetFillType(FillType value)Gets and sets fill type.
SetImageData(const Vector <uint8_t>& value)Gets and sets the picture image data.
SetJoinType(LineJoinType value)Specifies the line join type.
SetOneColorGradient(const Aspose::Cells::Color& color, double degree, GradientStyleType style, int32_t variant)Sets the specified fill to a one-color gradient. Only applies for Excel 2007.
SetPattern(FillPattern value)Represents an area’s display pattern.
SetPictureFormatType(FillPictureType value)Gets and sets the picture format type.
SetPresetColorGradient(GradientPresetType presetColor, GradientStyleType style, int32_t variant)Sets the specified fill to a preset-color gradient. Only applies for Excel 2007.
SetScale(double value)Gets and sets the picture format scale.
SetTexture(TextureType value)Represents the texture type for the specified fill.
SetTransparency(double value)Returns or sets the degree of transparency of the area as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
SetTwoColorGradient(const Aspose::Cells::Color& color1, const Aspose::Cells::Color& color2, GradientStyleType style, int32_t variant)Sets the specified fill to a two-color gradient. Only applies for Excel 2007.
SetTwoColorGradient(const Aspose::Cells::Color& color1, double transparency1, const Aspose::Cells::Color& color2, double transparency2, GradientStyleType style, int32_t variant)Sets the specified fill to a two-color gradient. Only applies for Excel 2007.
SetWeight(double value)Gets or sets the weight of the line in unit of points.


_implThe implementation object.


//Instantiating a Workbook object
Workbook workbook;
ShapeCollection shapes = workbook.GetWorksheets().Get(0).GetShapes();
Shape shape = shapes.AddRectangle(1, 0, 1, 0, 50, 100);
LineFormat lineFmt = shape.GetLine();

See Also