Aspose::Cells::Drawing::Picture::SetSourceFullName method

Picture::SetSourceFullName(const U16String&) method

Gets or sets the path and name of the source file for the linked image.

void Aspose::Cells::Drawing::Picture::SetSourceFullName(const U16String &value)


The default value is an empty string. If SourceFullName is not an empty string, the image is linked. If SourceFullName is not an empty string, but Data is null, then the image is linked and not stored in the file.

See Also

Picture::SetSourceFullName(const char16_t*) method

Gets or sets the path and name of the source file for the linked image.

void Aspose::Cells::Drawing::Picture::SetSourceFullName(const char16_t *value)


The default value is an empty string. If SourceFullName is not an empty string, the image is linked. If SourceFullName is not an empty string, but Data is null, then the image is linked and not stored in the file.

See Also