Aspose::Cells::Drawing::ShapeCollection::AddFreeform method

ShapeCollection::AddFreeform method

Adds a freeform shape to the worksheet.

Shape Aspose::Cells::Drawing::ShapeCollection::AddFreeform(int32_t upperLeftRow, int32_t top, int32_t upperLeftColumn, int32_t left, int32_t height, int32_t width, const Vector<ShapePath> &paths)
upperLeftRowint32_tUpper left row index.
topint32_tRepresents the vertical offset of Polygon from its left row, in unit of pixel.
upperLeftColumnint32_tUpper left column index.
leftint32_tRepresents the horizontal offset of Polygon from its left column, in unit of pixel.
heightint32_tRepresents the height of Polygon, in unit of pixel.
widthint32_tRepresents the width of Polygon, in unit of pixel.
pathsconst Vector <ShapePath>&Represents a user-defined path


A freeform shape.


    //Custom figure
ShapePath shapePath;
shapePath.MoveTo(60, 45);
shapePath.ArcTo(25, 25, 0, 270);

shapePath.MoveTo(60, 20);
shapePath.LineTo(110, 70);
shapePath.LineTo(125, 155.5f);
shapePath.ArcTo(35.5f, 35.5f, 0, 270);

shapePath.MoveTo(150, 45);
shapePath.ArcTo(25, 25, 0, 270);

ShapePath shapePath1;
shapePath1.MoveTo(0, 0);
shapePath1.CubicBezierTo(48.24997f, 0.6844f,
    96.5f, -7.148871f,
    130, 11.517795f);
shapePath1.CubicBezierTo(163.5f, 30.18446f,
    182.24997f, 75.351f,
    201, 120.517795f);
shapePath1.MoveTo(150, 80);
shapePath1.ArcTo(25, 25, 0, 270);

//Insert custom figure into worksheet
shapes.AddFreeform(1, 0, 1, 0, 200, 200, Vector<ShapePath>{ shapePath, shapePath1 });

See Also