Aspose::Cells::Drawing::ShapeCollection::AddLinkedPicture method

ShapeCollection::AddLinkedPicture(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, const U16String&) method

Add a linked picture.

Aspose::Cells::Drawing::Picture Aspose::Cells::Drawing::ShapeCollection::AddLinkedPicture(int32_t upperLeftRow, int32_t upperLeftColumn, int32_t height, int32_t width, const U16String &sourceFullName)
upperLeftRowint32_tUpper left row index.
upperLeftColumnint32_tUpper left column index.
heightint32_tThe height of the shape. In unit of pixels
widthint32_tThe width of the shape. In unit of pixels
sourceFullNameconst U16String&The path and name of the source file for the linked image


PicturePicture object.

See Also

ShapeCollection::AddLinkedPicture(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, const char16_t*) method

Add a linked picture.

Aspose::Cells::Drawing::Picture Aspose::Cells::Drawing::ShapeCollection::AddLinkedPicture(int32_t upperLeftRow, int32_t upperLeftColumn, int32_t height, int32_t width, const char16_t *sourceFullName)
upperLeftRowint32_tUpper left row index.
upperLeftColumnint32_tUpper left column index.
heightint32_tThe height of the shape. In unit of pixels
widthint32_tThe width of the shape. In unit of pixels
sourceFullNameconst char16_t*The path and name of the source file for the linked image


PicturePicture object.

See Also