Aspose::Cells::Drawing::ShapeCollection::AddShapeInChartByScale method

ShapeCollection::AddShapeInChartByScale(MsoDrawingType, PlacementType, double, double, double, double) method

Add a shape to chart. All unit is percent scale of chart area.

Shape Aspose::Cells::Drawing::ShapeCollection::AddShapeInChartByScale(MsoDrawingType type, PlacementType placement, double left, double top, double right, double bottom)
typeMsoDrawingTypeThe drawing type.
placementPlacementTypethe placement type.
leftdoubleUnit is percent scale of chart area width.
topdoubleUnit is percent scale of chart area height.
rightdoubleUnit is percent scale of chart area width.
bottomdoubleUnit is percent scale of chart area height.

See Also

ShapeCollection::AddShapeInChartByScale(MsoDrawingType, PlacementType, double, double, double, double, const Vector <uint8_t>&) method

Add a shape to chart .All unit is 1/4000 of chart area.

Shape Aspose::Cells::Drawing::ShapeCollection::AddShapeInChartByScale(MsoDrawingType type, PlacementType placement, double left, double top, double right, double bottom, const Vector<uint8_t> &imageData)
typeMsoDrawingTypeThe drawing type.
placementPlacementTypethe placement type.
leftdoubleUnit is percent scale of chart area width.
topdoubleUnit is percent scale of chart area height.
rightdoubleUnit is percent scale of chart area width.
bottomdoubleUnit is percent scale of chart area height.
imageDataconst Vector <uint8_t>&If the shape is not a picture or ole object,imageData should be null.

See Also