Aspose::Cells::Drawing::ShapePath class
]ShapePath class
Represents a creation path consisting of a series of moves, lines and curves that when combined will form a geometric shape.
class ShapePath
Method | Description |
ArcTo(float wR, float hR, float stAng, float swAng) | Appends an elliptical arc to the current figure. The starting point is the end point of the current figure. |
Close() | Closes the current figure and starts a new figure. If the current figure contains a sequence of connected lines and curves, the method closes the loop by connecting a line from the endpoint to the starting point. |
CubicBezierTo(float ctrX1, float ctrY1, float ctrX2, float ctrY2, float endX, float endY) | Appends a cubic Bézier curve to the current figure. The starting point is the end point of the current figure. |
GetPathSegementList() | Gets ShapeSegmentPathCollection list. |
IsNull() const | Checks whether the implementation object is nullptr. |
LineTo(float x, float y) | Appends a line segment to the current figure. The starting point is the end point of the current figure. |
MoveTo(float x, float y) | Starts a new figure from the specified point without closing the current figure. All subsequent points added to the path are added to this new figure. |
explicit operator bool() const | operator bool() |
operator=(const ShapePath& src) | operator= |
ShapePath() | Initializes a new instance of the ShapePath class. |
ShapePath(ShapePath_Impl* impl) | Constructs from an implementation object. |
ShapePath(const ShapePath& src) | Copy constructor. |
~ShapePath() | Destructor. |
Field | Description |
_impl | The implementation object. |
See Also
- Namespace Aspose::Cells::Drawing
- Library Aspose.Cells for C++