Aspose::Cells::Rendering::SheetRender class

SheetRender class

Represents a worksheet render which can render worksheet to various images such as (BMP, PNG, JPEG, TIFF..) The constructor of this class , must be used after modification of pagesetup, cell style.

class SheetRender


Dispose()Releases resources created and used for rendering.
GetPageCount()Gets the total page count of current worksheet.
GetPageScale()Gets calculated page scale of the sheet. Returns the set scale if PageSetup.Zoom is set. Otherwise, returns the calculated scale according to PageSetup.FitToPagesWide and PageSetup.FitToPagesTall.
GetPageSizeInch(int32_t pageIndex)Get page size in inch of output image.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const SheetRender& src)operator=
SheetRender(const Worksheet& worksheet, const ImageOrPrintOptions& options)the construct of SheetRender, need worksheet and ImageOrPrintOptions as params
SheetRender(SheetRender_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
SheetRender(const SheetRender& src)Copy constructor.
ToImage(int32_t pageIndex, const U16String& fileName)Render certain page to a file.
ToImage(int32_t pageIndex, const char16_t* fileName)Render certain page to a file.
ToImage(int32_t pageIndex)Render certain page to a stream.
ToTiff()Render whole worksheet as Tiff Image to stream.
ToTiff(const U16String& filename)Render whole worksheet as Tiff Image to a file.
ToTiff(const char16_t* filename)Render whole worksheet as Tiff Image to a file.


_implThe implementation object.

See Also