Aspose::Cells::Timelines::TimelineCollection class

TimelineCollection class

Specifies the collection of all the Timeline objects on the specified worksheet. Due to MS Excel, Excel 2003 does not support Timeline.

class TimelineCollection


Add(const PivotTable& pivot, int32_t row, int32_t column, const U16String& baseFieldName)Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.
Add(const PivotTable& pivot, int32_t row, int32_t column, const char16_t* baseFieldName)Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.
Add(const PivotTable& pivot, const U16String& destCellName, const U16String& baseFieldName)Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.
Add(const PivotTable& pivot, const char16_t* destCellName, const char16_t* baseFieldName)Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.
Add(const PivotTable& pivot, int32_t row, int32_t column, int32_t baseFieldIndex)Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.
Add(const PivotTable& pivot, const U16String& destCellName, int32_t baseFieldIndex)Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.
Add(const PivotTable& pivot, const char16_t* destCellName, int32_t baseFieldIndex)Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.
Add(const PivotTable& pivot, int32_t row, int32_t column, const PivotField& baseField)Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.
Add(const PivotTable& pivot, const U16String& destCellName, const PivotField& baseField)Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.
Add(const PivotTable& pivot, const char16_t* destCellName, const PivotField& baseField)Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source.
Get(int32_t index)Gets the Timeline by index.
Get(const U16String& name)Gets the Timeline by Timeline’s name.
Get(const char16_t* name)Gets the Timeline by Timeline’s name.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const TimelineCollection& src)operator=
TimelineCollection(TimelineCollection_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
TimelineCollection(const TimelineCollection& src)Copy constructor.


_implThe implementation object.


Workbook book;
Worksheet sheet = book.GetWorksheets().Get(0);
Cells cells = sheet.GetCells();
cells.Get(0, 0).PutValue(u"fruit");
cells.Get(1, 0).PutValue(u"grape");
cells.Get(2, 0).PutValue(u"blueberry");
cells.Get(3, 0).PutValue(u"kiwi");
cells.Get(4, 0).PutValue(u"cherry");

//Create date style
Style dateStyle = CellsFactory().CreateStyle();
cells.Get(0, 1).PutValue(u"date");
cells.Get(1, 1).PutValue(Date{ 2021, 2, 5 });
cells.Get(2, 1).PutValue(Date{ 2022, 3, 8 });
cells.Get(3, 1).PutValue(Date{ 2023, 4, 10 });
cells.Get(4, 1).PutValue(Date{ 2024, 5, 16 });
//Set date style
cells.Get(1, 1).SetStyle(dateStyle);
cells.Get(2, 1).SetStyle(dateStyle);
cells.Get(3, 1).SetStyle(dateStyle);
cells.Get(4, 1).SetStyle(dateStyle);

cells.Get(0, 2).PutValue(u"amount");
cells.Get(1, 2).PutValue(50);
cells.Get(2, 2).PutValue(60);
cells.Get(3, 2).PutValue(70);
cells.Get(4, 2).PutValue(80);

PivotTableCollection pivots = sheet.GetPivotTables();
//Add a PivotTable
int pivotIndex = pivots.Add(u"=Sheet1!A1:C5", u"A12", u"TestPivotTable");
PivotTable pivot = pivots.Get(pivotIndex);
pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::Row, u"fruit");
pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::Column, u"date");
pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::Data, u"amount");

//Refresh PivotTable data


See Also