Aspose::Cells::Cell::Replace method

Cell::Replace(const U16String&, const U16String&, const ReplaceOptions&) method

Replace text of the cell with options.

void Aspose::Cells::Cell::Replace(const U16String &placeHolder, const U16String &newValue, const ReplaceOptions &options)
placeHolderconst U16String&Cell placeholder
newValueconst U16String&String value to replace
optionsconst ReplaceOptions&The replace options

See Also

Cell::Replace(const char16_t*, const char16_t*, const ReplaceOptions&) method

Replace text of the cell with options.

void Aspose::Cells::Cell::Replace(const char16_t *placeHolder, const char16_t *newValue, const ReplaceOptions &options)
placeHolderconst char16_t*Cell placeholder
newValueconst char16_t*String value to replace
optionsconst ReplaceOptions&The replace options

See Also