Aspose::Cells::Cell::SetArrayFormula method

Cell::SetArrayFormula(const U16String&, int32_t, int32_t) method

Sets an array formula(legacy array formula entered via CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER in ms excel) to a range of cells.

void Aspose::Cells::Cell::SetArrayFormula(const U16String &arrayFormula, int32_t rowNumber, int32_t columnNumber)
arrayFormulaconst U16String&Array formula.
rowNumberint32_tNumber of rows to populate result of the array formula.
columnNumberint32_tNumber of columns to populate result of the array formula.

See Also

Cell::SetArrayFormula(const char16_t*, int32_t, int32_t) method

Sets an array formula(legacy array formula entered via CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER in ms excel) to a range of cells.

void Aspose::Cells::Cell::SetArrayFormula(const char16_t *arrayFormula, int32_t rowNumber, int32_t columnNumber)
arrayFormulaconst char16_t*Array formula.
rowNumberint32_tNumber of rows to populate result of the array formula.
columnNumberint32_tNumber of columns to populate result of the array formula.

See Also

Cell::SetArrayFormula(const U16String&, int32_t, int32_t, const FormulaParseOptions&) method

Sets an array formula to a range of cells.

void Aspose::Cells::Cell::SetArrayFormula(const U16String &arrayFormula, int32_t rowNumber, int32_t columnNumber, const FormulaParseOptions &options)
arrayFormulaconst U16String&Array formula.
rowNumberint32_tNumber of rows to populate result of the array formula.
columnNumberint32_tNumber of columns to populate result of the array formula.
optionsconst FormulaParseOptions&Options for parsing the formula.

See Also

Cell::SetArrayFormula(const char16_t*, int32_t, int32_t, const FormulaParseOptions&) method

Sets an array formula to a range of cells.

void Aspose::Cells::Cell::SetArrayFormula(const char16_t *arrayFormula, int32_t rowNumber, int32_t columnNumber, const FormulaParseOptions &options)
arrayFormulaconst char16_t*Array formula.
rowNumberint32_tNumber of rows to populate result of the array formula.
columnNumberint32_tNumber of columns to populate result of the array formula.
optionsconst FormulaParseOptions&Options for parsing the formula.

See Also