Aspose::Cells::ColorScale class

ColorScale class

Describe the ColorScale conditional formatting rule. This conditional formatting rule creates a gradated color scale on the cells.

class ColorScale


ColorScale(ColorScale_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
ColorScale(const ColorScale& src)Copy constructor.
GetIs3ColorScale()Indicates whether conditional formatting is 3 color scale.
GetMaxCfvo()Get or set this ColorScale’s max value object. Cannot set null or CFValueObject with type FormatConditionValueType.Min to it.
GetMaxColor()Get or set the gradient color for the maximum value in the range.
GetMidCfvo()Get or set this ColorScale’s mid value object. Cannot set CFValueObject with type FormatConditionValueType.Max or FormatConditionValueType.Min to it.
GetMidColor()Get or set the gradient color for the middle value in the range.
GetMinCfvo()Get or set this ColorScale’s min value object. Cannot set null or CFValueObject with type FormatConditionValueType.Max to it.
GetMinColor()Get or set the gradient color for the minimum value in the range.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const ColorScale& src)operator=
SetIs3ColorScale(bool value)Indicates whether conditional formatting is 3 color scale.
SetMaxColor(const Aspose::Cells::Color& value)Get or set the gradient color for the maximum value in the range.
SetMidColor(const Aspose::Cells::Color& value)Get or set the gradient color for the middle value in the range.
SetMinColor(const Aspose::Cells::Color& value)Get or set the gradient color for the minimum value in the range.


_implThe implementation object.

See Also