Aspose::Cells::Worksheet class

Worksheet class

Encapsulates the object that represents a single worksheet.

class Worksheet


AddPageBreaks(const U16String& cellName)Adds page break.
AddPageBreaks(const char16_t* cellName)Adds page break.
Advanced_Filter(bool isFilter, const U16String& listRange, const U16String& criteriaRange, const U16String& copyTo, bool uniqueRecordOnly)Filters data using complex criteria.
Advanced_Filter(bool isFilter, const char16_t* listRange, const char16_t* criteriaRange, const char16_t* copyTo, bool uniqueRecordOnly)Filters data using complex criteria.
AutoFitColumn(int32_t columnIndex, int32_t firstRow, int32_t lastRow)Autofits the column width.
AutoFitColumn(int32_t columnIndex)Autofits the column width.
AutoFitColumns()Autofits all columns in this worksheet.
AutoFitColumns(const AutoFitterOptions& options)Autofits all columns in this worksheet.
AutoFitColumns(int32_t firstColumn, int32_t lastColumn)Autofits the columns width.
AutoFitColumns(int32_t firstColumn, int32_t lastColumn, const AutoFitterOptions& options)Autofits the columns width.
AutoFitColumns(int32_t firstRow, int32_t firstColumn, int32_t lastRow, int32_t lastColumn)Autofits the columns width.
AutoFitColumns(int32_t firstRow, int32_t firstColumn, int32_t lastRow, int32_t lastColumn, const AutoFitterOptions& options)Autofits the columns width.
AutoFitRow(int32_t rowIndex, int32_t firstColumn, int32_t lastColumn)Autofits the row height.
AutoFitRow(int32_t rowIndex, int32_t firstColumn, int32_t lastColumn, const AutoFitterOptions& options)Autofits the row height.
AutoFitRow(int32_t startRow, int32_t endRow, int32_t startColumn, int32_t endColumn)Autofits row height in a rectangle range.
AutoFitRow(int32_t rowIndex)Autofits the row height.
AutoFitRows()Autofits all rows in this worksheet.
AutoFitRows(bool onlyAuto)Autofits all rows in this worksheet.
AutoFitRows(const AutoFitterOptions& options)Autofits all rows in this worksheet.
AutoFitRows(int32_t startRow, int32_t endRow)Autofits row height in a range.
AutoFitRows(int32_t startRow, int32_t endRow, const AutoFitterOptions& options)Autofits row height in a range.
CalculateFormula(const CalculationOptions& options, bool recursive)Calculates all formulas in this worksheet.
ClearComments()Clears all comments in designer spreadsheet.
CloseAccessCache(AccessCacheOptions opts)Closes the session that uses caches to access the data in this worksheet.
ConvertFormulaReferenceStyle(const U16String& formula, bool toR1C1, int32_t baseCellRow, int32_t baseCellColumn)Converts the formula reference style.
ConvertFormulaReferenceStyle(const char16_t* formula, bool toR1C1, int32_t baseCellRow, int32_t baseCellColumn)Converts the formula reference style.
Copy(const Worksheet& sourceSheet)Copies contents and formats from another worksheet.
Copy(const Worksheet& sourceSheet, const CopyOptions& copyOptions)Copies contents and formats from another worksheet.
Dispose()Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
FreezePanes(int32_t row, int32_t column, int32_t freezedRows, int32_t freezedColumns)Freezes panes at the specified cell in the worksheet.
FreezePanes(const U16String& cellName, int32_t freezedRows, int32_t freezedColumns)Freezes panes at the specified cell in the worksheet.
FreezePanes(const char16_t* cellName, int32_t freezedRows, int32_t freezedColumns)Freezes panes at the specified cell in the worksheet.
GetActiveCell()Gets or sets the active cell in the worksheet.
GetAdvancedFilter()Gets the settings of advanced filter.
GetAllowEditRanges()Gets the allow edit range collection in the worksheet.
GetAutoFilter()Represents auto filter for the specified worksheet.
GetBackgroundImage()Gets and sets worksheet background image.
GetCells()Gets the Cells collection.
GetCellWatches()Gets collection of cells on this worksheet being watched in the ‘watch window’.
GetCharts()Gets a Chart collection.
GetCheckBoxes()Gets a CheckBox collection.
GetCodeName()Gets worksheet code name.
GetComments()Gets the Comment collection.
GetConditionalFormattings()Gets the ConditionalFormattings in the worksheet.
GetCustomProperties()Gets an object representing the identifier information associated with a worksheet.
GetDisplayRightToLeft()Indicates if the specified worksheet is displayed from right to left instead of from left to right. Default is false.
GetDisplayZeros()True if zero values are displayed.
GetErrorCheckOptions()Gets error check setting applied on certain ranges.
GetFirstVisibleColumn()Represents first visible column index.
GetFirstVisibleRow()Represents first visible row index.
GetFreezedPanes(int32_t& row, int32_t& column, int32_t& freezedRows, int32_t& freezedColumns)Gets the freeze panes.
GetHasAutofilter()Indicates whether this worksheet has auto filter.
GetHorizontalPageBreaks()Gets the HorizontalPageBreakCollection collection.
GetHyperlinks()Gets the HyperlinkCollection collection.
GetIndex()Gets the index of sheet in the worksheet collection.
GetListObjects()Gets all ListObjects in this worksheet.
GetName()Gets or sets the name of the worksheet.
GetOleObjects()Represents a collection of OleObject in a worksheet.
GetOutline()Gets the outline on this worksheet.
GetPageSetup()Represents the page setup description in this sheet.
GetPanes()Gets the window panes.
GetPaneState()Indicates whether the pane has horizontal or vertical splits, and whether those splits are frozen.
GetPictures()Gets a Picture collection.
GetPivotTables()Gets all pivot tables in this worksheet.
GetPrintingPageBreaks(const ImageOrPrintOptions& options)Gets automatic page breaks.
GetProtection()Represents the various types of protection options available for a worksheet. Supports advanced protection options in ExcelXP and above version.
GetQueryTables()Gets QueryTableCollection in the worksheet.
GetScenarios()Gets the collection of Scenario.
GetShapes()Returns all drawing shapes in this worksheet.
GetShowFormulas()Indicates whether to show formulas or their results.
GetSlicers()Get the Slicer collection in the worksheet.
GetSmartTagSetting()Gets all SmartTagCollection objects of the worksheet.
GetSparklineGroups()Gets the sparkline groups in the worksheet.
GetTabColor()Represents worksheet tab color.
GetTabId()Specifies the internal identifier for the sheet.
GetTextBoxes()Gets a TextBox collection.
GetTimelines()Get the Timeline collection in the worksheet.
GetTransitionEntry()Indicates whether the Transition Formula Entry (Lotus compatibility) option is enabled.
GetTransitionEvaluation()Indicates whether the Transition Formula Evaluation (Lotus compatibility) option is enabled.
GetType()Represents worksheet type.
GetUniqueId()Gets and sets the unique id, it is same as {15DB5C3C-A5A1-48AF-8F25-3D86AC232D4F}.
GetValidations()Gets the data validation setting collection in the worksheet.
GetVerticalPageBreaks()Gets the VerticalPageBreakCollection collection.
GetViewType()Gets and sets the view type.
GetVisibilityType()Indicates the visible state for this sheet.
GetWorkbook()Gets the workbook object which contains this sheet.
GetZoom()Represents the scaling factor in percentage. It should be between 10 and 400.
IsGridlinesVisible()Gets or sets a value indicating whether the gridlines are visible.Default is true.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
IsOutlineShown()Indicates whether to show outline.
IsPageBreakPreview()Indicates whether the specified worksheet is shown in normal view or page break preview.
IsProtected()Indicates if the worksheet is protected.
IsRowColumnHeadersVisible()Gets or sets a value indicating whether the worksheet will display row and column headers. Default is true.
IsRulerVisible()Indicates whether the ruler is visible. This property is only applied for page break preview.
IsSelected()Indicates whether this worksheet is selected when the workbook is opened.
IsVisible()Represents if the worksheet is visible.
MoveTo(int32_t index)Moves the sheet to another location in the spreadsheet.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const Worksheet& src)operator=
Protect(ProtectionType type)Protects worksheet.
Protect(ProtectionType type, const U16String& password, const U16String& oldPassword)Protects worksheet.
Protect(ProtectionType type, const char16_t* password, const char16_t* oldPassword)Protects worksheet.
RefreshPivotTables()Refreshes all the PivotTables in this Worksheet.
RefreshPivotTables(const PivotTableRefreshOption& option)Refreshes all the PivotTables in this Worksheet.
RemoveAllDrawingObjects()Removes all drawing objects in this worksheet.
RemoveAutoFilter()Removes the auto filter of the worksheet.
RemoveSplit()Removes split window.
Replace(const U16String& oldString, const U16String& newString)Replaces all cells’ text with a new string.
Replace(const char16_t* oldString, const char16_t* newString)Replaces all cells’ text with a new string.
SelectRange(int32_t startRow, int32_t startColumn, int32_t totalRows, int32_t totalColumns, bool removeOthers)Selects a range.
SetActiveCell(const U16String& value)Gets or sets the active cell in the worksheet.
SetActiveCell(const char16_t* value)Gets or sets the active cell in the worksheet.
SetBackgroundImage(const Vector <uint8_t>& value)Gets and sets worksheet background image.
SetCodeName(const U16String& value)Gets worksheet code name.
SetCodeName(const char16_t* value)Gets worksheet code name.
SetDisplayRightToLeft(bool value)Indicates if the specified worksheet is displayed from right to left instead of from left to right. Default is false.
SetDisplayZeros(bool value)True if zero values are displayed.
SetFirstVisibleColumn(int32_t value)Represents first visible column index.
SetFirstVisibleRow(int32_t value)Represents first visible row index.
SetIsGridlinesVisible(bool value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether the gridlines are visible.Default is true.
SetIsOutlineShown(bool value)Indicates whether to show outline.
SetIsPageBreakPreview(bool value)Indicates whether the specified worksheet is shown in normal view or page break preview.
SetIsRowColumnHeadersVisible(bool value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether the worksheet will display row and column headers. Default is true.
SetIsRulerVisible(bool value)Indicates whether the ruler is visible. This property is only applied for page break preview.
SetIsSelected(bool value)Indicates whether this worksheet is selected when the workbook is opened.
SetIsVisible(bool value)Represents if the worksheet is visible.
SetName(const U16String& value)Gets or sets the name of the worksheet.
SetName(const char16_t* value)Gets or sets the name of the worksheet.
SetShowFormulas(bool value)Indicates whether to show formulas or their results.
SetTabColor(const Aspose::Cells::Color& value)Represents worksheet tab color.
SetTabId(int32_t value)Specifies the internal identifier for the sheet.
SetTransitionEntry(bool value)Indicates whether the Transition Formula Entry (Lotus compatibility) option is enabled.
SetTransitionEvaluation(bool value)Indicates whether the Transition Formula Evaluation (Lotus compatibility) option is enabled.
SetType(SheetType value)Represents worksheet type.
SetUniqueId(const U16String& value)Gets and sets the unique id, it is same as {15DB5C3C-A5A1-48AF-8F25-3D86AC232D4F}.
SetUniqueId(const char16_t* value)Gets and sets the unique id, it is same as {15DB5C3C-A5A1-48AF-8F25-3D86AC232D4F}.
SetViewType(ViewType value)Gets and sets the view type.
SetVisibilityType(VisibilityType value)Indicates the visible state for this sheet.
SetVisible(bool isVisible, bool ignoreError)Sets the visible options.
SetZoom(int32_t value)Represents the scaling factor in percentage. It should be between 10 and 400.
Split()Splits window.
StartAccessCache(AccessCacheOptions opts)Starts the session that uses caches to access the data in this worksheet.
ToString()Returns a string represents the current Worksheet object.
UnFreezePanes()Unfreezes panes in the worksheet.
Unprotect()Unprotects worksheet.
Unprotect(const U16String& password)Unprotects worksheet.
Unprotect(const char16_t* password)Unprotects worksheet.
Worksheet(Worksheet_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
Worksheet(const Worksheet& src)Copy constructor.


_implThe implementation object.


//The following example shows how to freeze panes and insert hyperlink to worksheet with .Net or VB.
Workbook workbook;

Worksheet sheet = workbook.GetWorksheets().Get(0);

//Freeze panes at "AS40" with 10 rows and 10 columns
sheet.FreezePanes(u"AS40", 10, 10);

//Add a hyperlink in Cell A1
sheet.GetHyperlinks().Add(u"A1", 1, 1, u"");

See Also