Aspose::Cells::Worksheet::Replace method

Worksheet::Replace(const U16String&, const U16String&) method

Replaces all cells’ text with a new string.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::Worksheet::Replace(const U16String &oldString, const U16String &newString)
oldStringconst U16String&Old string value.
newStringconst U16String&New string value.

See Also

Worksheet::Replace(const char16_t*, const char16_t*) method

Replaces all cells’ text with a new string.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::Worksheet::Replace(const char16_t *oldString, const char16_t *newString)
oldStringconst char16_t*Old string value.
newStringconst char16_t*New string value.

See Also