AboveAverage | Describe the AboveAverage conditional formatting rule.This conditional formatting rule highlights cells thatare above or below the average for all values in the range. |
AbstractCalculationEngine | Represents user’s custom calculation engine to extend the default calculation engine of Aspose.Cells. |
AbstractFormulaChangeMonitor | Monitor for user to track the change of formulas during certain operations. |
AbstractInterruptMonitor | Monitor for interruption requests in all time-consuming operations. |
AbstractTextLoadOptions | Common options for loading text values |
AdvancedFilter | Represents the settings of advanced filter. |
AutoFilter | Represents autofiltering for the specified worksheet. |
AutoFitterOptions | Represents all auto fitter options. |
Border | Encapsulates the object that represents the cell border. |
BorderCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
CalculationCell | Represents the calculation relevant data about one cell which is being calculated. |
CalculationData | Represents the required data when calculating one function, such as function name, parameters, …etc. |
CalculationOptions | Represents options for calculation. |
Cell | Encapsulates the object that represents a single Workbook cell. |
CellArea | Represent an area of cells. |
CellRichValue | Represents rich value of the cell. |
Cells | Encapsulates a collection of cell relevant objects, such as , , …etc. |
CellsColor | Represents all types of color. |
CellsFactory | Utility for instantiating classes of Cells model. |
CellsHelper | Provides helper functions. |
CellValue | Represents the cell value and corresponding type. |
CellWatch | Represents Cell Watch Item in the ‘watch window’. |
CellWatchCollection | Represents the collection of cells on this worksheet being watched in the ‘watch window’. |
ColorFilter | Represents filtering the range by color. |
ColorScale | Describe the ColorScale conditional formatting rule.This conditional formatting rule creates a gradated color scale on the cells. |
Column | Represents a single column in a worksheet. |
ColumnCollection | Collection of the objects that represent the individual column(setting)s in a worksheet.The Column object only represents the settings such as column width, styles, .etc. for the whole column,has nothing to do with the fact that there are non-empty cells(data) or not in corresponding column.And the “Count” of this collection only represents the count Column objects that have been instantiated in this collection,has nothing to do with the fact that there are non-empty cells(data) or not in the worksheet. |
Comment | Encapsulates the object that represents a cell comment. |
CommentCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
ConditionalFormattingCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
ConditionalFormattingIcon | Represents the custom icon of conditional formatting rule. |
ConditionalFormattingIconCollection | Represents a collection of objects. |
ConditionalFormattingResult | Represents the result of conditional formatting which applies to a cell. |
ConditionalFormattingValue | Describes the values of the interpolation points in a gradient scale, dataBar or iconSet. |
ConditionalFormattingValueCollection | Describes a collection of CFValueObject.Use only for icon sets. |
CopyOptions | Represents the copy options. |
CustomFilter | Represents the custom filter. |
CustomFilterCollection | Represents the custom filters. |
CustomFunctionDefinition | Definition of custom function for calculating with user’s custom engine. |
DataBar | Describe the DataBar conditional formatting rule.This conditional formatting rule displays a gradateddata bar in the range of cells. |
DataBarBorder | Represents the border of the data bars specified by a conditional formatting rule. |
DataSorter | Summary description for DataSorter. |
DataSorterKey | Represents the key of the data sorter. |
DataSorterKeyCollection | Represents the key list of data sorter. |
DateTimeGroupItem | Represents the datetime’s group setting. |
DefaultStyleSettings | Settings for the default values of workbook’s style properties. |
DeleteBlankOptions | Represents the setting of deleting blank cells/rows/columns. |
DeleteOptions | Represents the setting of deleting rows/columns. |
DifSaveOptions | Represents the options of saving dif file. |
DocxSaveOptions | Represents options of saving .docx file. |
DxfCollection | Represents the master differential formatting records. |
DynamicFilter | Represents the dynamic filter. |
EbookLoadOptions | Represents options when importing an ebook file. |
ErrorCheckOption | Error check setting applied on certain ranges. |
ErrorCheckOptionCollection | Represents all error check option. |
ExternalLink | Represents an external link in a workbook. |
ExternalLinkCollection | Represents external links collection in a workbook. |
FileFontSource | Represents the single TrueType font file stored in the file system. |
FileFormatInfo | Contains data returned by file format detection methods. |
FileFormatUtil | Provides utility methods for converting file format enums to strings or file extensions and back. |
FilterColumn | Represents a filter for a single column. The Filter object is a member of the Filters collection |
FilterColumnCollection | A collection of Filter objects that represents all the filters in an autofiltered range. |
FindOptions | Represents find options. |
FolderFontSource | Represents the folder that contains TrueType font files. |
Font | Encapsulates the font object used in a spreadsheet. |
FontConfigs | Specifies font settings |
FontSetting | Represents a range of characters within the cell text. |
FontSourceBase | This is an abstract base class for the classes that allow the user to specify various font sources |
FormatCondition | Represents conditional formatting condition. |
FormatConditionCollection | Represents conditional formatting.The FormatConditions can contain up to three conditional formats. |
FormulaParseOptions | Represents options when parsing formula. |
FormulaSettings | Settings of formulas and calculation. |
GlobalizationSettings | Represents the globalization settings. |
HeaderFooterCommand | Represents the command of header/footer |
HorizontalPageBreak | Encapsulates the object that represents a horizontal page break. |
HorizontalPageBreakCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
HtmlLoadOptions | Represents options when importing a html file. |
HtmlSaveOptions | Represents the options for saving html file. |
HtmlTableLoadOption | Represents the option when import table from html. |
HtmlTableLoadOptionCollection | Represents the table options when importing html. |
Hyperlink | Encapsulates the object that represents a hyperlink. |
HyperlinkCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
IconFilter | Represents icon filter. |
IconSet | Describe the IconSet conditional formatting rule.This conditional formatting rule applies icons to cellsaccording to their values. |
ImageSaveOptions | Represents image save options.For advanced usage, please use or . |
ImportTableOptions | Represents the options of importing data into cells. |
IndividualFontConfigs | Font configs for each object. |
InsertOptions | Represents the options of inserting. |
InterruptMonitor | Represents all operator about the interrupt. |
JsonLoadOptions | Represents the options of loading json files |
JsonSaveOptions | Represents the options of saving the workbook as a json file. |
License | Provides methods to license the component. |
LoadFilter | Represents the filter that provides options for loading data when loading workbook from template. |
LoadOptions | Represents the options of loading the file. |
MarkdownSaveOptions | Represents the save options for markdown. |
MemoryFontSource | Represents the single TrueType font file stored in memory. |
MultipleFilterCollection | Represents the multiple filter collection. |
Name | Represents a defined name for a range of cells. |
NameCollection | Represents a collection of all the objects in the spreadsheet. |
NegativeBarFormat | Represents the color settings of the data bars for negative values that are defined by a data bar conditional formatting rule. |
Object | Object class. |
OdsLoadOptions | Represents the options of loading ods file. |
OdsSaveOptions | Represents the options of saving ods file. |
OoxmlSaveOptions | Represents the options of saving office open xml file. |
Outline | Represents an outline on a worksheet. |
PageSetup | Encapsulates the object that represents the page setup description.The PageSetup object contains all page setup options. |
PaginatedSaveOptions | Represents the options for pagination. |
PaneCollection | Represents all Pane objects shown in the specified window. |
PasteOptions | Represents the paste special options. |
PclSaveOptions | Represents the options for saving Pcl file. |
PdfSaveOptions | Represents the options for saving pdf file. |
PptxSaveOptions | Represents the pptx save options. |
ProtectedRange | A specified range to be allowed to edit when the sheet protection is ON. |
ProtectedRangeCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
Protection | Represents the various types of protection options available for a worksheet. |
QueryTable | Represents QueryTable information. |
QueryTableCollection | A collection of objects that represent QueryTable collection information. |
Range | Encapsulates the object that represents a range of cells within a spreadsheet. |
RangeCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
ReferredArea | Represents a referred area by the formula. |
ReferredAreaCollection | Represents all referred cells and areas. |
ReplaceOptions | Represent the replace options. |
Row | Represents a single row in a worksheet. |
RowCollection | Collects the objects that represent the individual rows in a worksheet. |
SaveOptions | Represents all save options |
Scenario | Represents an individual scenario. |
ScenarioCollection | Represents the list of scenarios. |
ScenarioInputCell | Represents input cell for the scenario. |
ScenarioInputCellCollection | Represents the list of the scenario’s input cells. |
SettableChartGlobalizationSettings | Implementation of PivotGlobalizationSettings that supports user to set/change pre-defined texts. |
SettableGlobalizationSettings | Implementation of GlobalizationSettings that supports user to set/change pre-defined texts. |
SettablePivotGlobalizationSettings | Implementation of PivotGlobalizationSettings that supports user to set/change pre-defined texts. |
SpreadsheetML2003SaveOptions | Represents the options for saving Excel 2003 spreadml file. |
Style | Represents display style of excel document,such as font,color,alignment,border,etc.The Style object contains all style attributes (font, number format, alignment, and so on) as properties. |
StyleFlag | Represents flags which indicates applied formatting properties. |
SubtotalSetting | Represents the setting of the subtotal . |
SystemTimeInterruptMonitor | Simple implementation of by checking and comparing current system time with user specified limit. |
ThemeColor | Represents a theme color. |
ThreadedComment | Represents the threaded comment. |
ThreadedCommentAuthor | Represents the person who creates the threaded comments; |
ThreadedCommentAuthorCollection | Represents all persons who . |
ThreadedCommentCollection | Represents the list of threaded comments. |
Top10 | Describe the Top10 conditional formatting rule.This conditional formatting rule highlights cells whosevalues fall in the top N or bottom N bracket, as specified. |
Top10Filter | Represents the top 10 filter. |
TwoColorGradient | Represents two color gradient. |
TxtLoadOptions | Represents the options for loading text file. |
TxtSaveOptions | Represents the save options for csv/tab delimited/other text format. |
UnionRange | Represents union range. |
Validation | Represents data validation.settings. |
ValidationCollection | Represents data validation collection. |
VerticalPageBreak | Encapsulates the object that represents a vertical page break. |
VerticalPageBreakCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
WarningInfo | Warning info |
Workbook | Represents a root object to create an Excel spreadsheet. |
WorkbookSettings | Represents all settings of the workbook. |
Worksheet | Encapsulates the object that represents a single worksheet. |
WorksheetCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
WriteProtection | Specifies write protection settings for a workbook. |
XlsbSaveOptions | Represents the options for saving xlsb file. |
XlsSaveOptions | Represents the save options for the Excel 97-2003 file format: xls and xlt. |
XmlColumnProperty | Represents Xml Data Binding information. |
XmlDataBinding | Represents Xml Data Binding information. |
XmlLoadOptions | Represents the options of loading xml. |
XmlMap | Represents Xml map information. |
XmlMapCollection | A collection of objects that represent XmlMap information. |
XmlSaveOptions | Represents the options of saving the workbook as an xml file. |
XpsSaveOptions | Represents the additional options when saving the file as the Xps. |
AccentEquationNode | This class specifies an accent equation, consisting of a base component and a combining diacritic. |
ArrayEquationNode | Specifies the Equation-Array function, an object consisting of one or more equations. |
BarEquationNode | This class specifies the bar equation, consisting of a base argument and an overbar or underbar. |
BorderBoxEquationNode | This class specifies the Border Box function, consisting of a border drawn around an equation. |
BoxEquationNode | This class specifies the box function, which is used to group components of an equation. |
DelimiterEquationNode | This class specifies the delimiter equation, consisting of opening and closing delimiters (such as parentheses, braces, brackets, and vertical bars), and a component contained inside.The delimiter may have more than one component, with a designated separator character between each component. |
EquationComponentNode | This class specifies the components of an equation or mathematical expression.Different types of components combined into different equations.For example, a fraction consists of two parts, a numerator component and a denominator component.For more component types, please refer to ‘EquationNodeType’. |
EquationNode | Abstract class for deriving other equation nodes. |
EquationNodeParagraph | This class specifies a mathematical paragraph containing one or more MathEquationNode(OMath) elements. |
FractionEquationNode | This class specifies the fraction equation, consisting of a numerator and denominator separated by a fraction bar. The fraction bar can be horizontal or diagonal, depending on the fraction properties. The fraction equation is also used to represent the stack function, which places one element above another, with no fraction bar. |
FunctionEquationNode | This class specifies the Function-Apply equation, which consists of a function name and an argument acted upon.The types of the name and argument components are ‘EquationNodeType.FunctionName’ and ‘EquationNodeType.Base’ respectively. |
GroupCharacterEquationNode | This class specifies the Group-Character function, consisting of a character drawn above or below text, often with the purpose of visually grouping items. |
LimLowUppEquationNode | This class specifies the limit function. |
MathematicalEquationNode | This class specifies an equation or mathematical expression. All mathematical text of equations or mathematical expressions are contained by this class. |
MatrixEquationNode | This class specifies the Matrix equation, consisting of one or more elements laid out in one or more rows and one or more columns. |
NaryEquationNode | This class specifies an n-ary operator equation consisting of an n-ary operator, a base (or operand), and optional upper and lower bounds. |
RadicalEquationNode | This class specifies the radical equation, consisting of an optional degree deg(EquationNodeType.Degree) and a base. |
SubSupEquationNode | This class specifies an equation that can optionally be superscript or subscript.There are four main forms of this equation, superscript,subscript,superscript and subscript placed to the left of the base, superscript and subscript placed to the right of the base. |
TextRunEquationNode | This class in the equation node is used to store the actual content(a sequence of mathematical text) of the equation.Usually a node object per character. |
UnknowEquationNode | Equation node class of unknown type |
ActiveXControl | Represents the ActiveX control. |
ActiveXControlBase | Represents the ActiveX control. |
CheckBoxActiveXControl | Represents a CheckBox ActiveX control. |
ComboBoxActiveXControl | Represents a ComboBox ActiveX control. |
CommandButtonActiveXControl | Represents a command button. |
ImageActiveXControl | Represents the image control. |
LabelActiveXControl | Represents the label ActiveX control. |
ListBoxActiveXControl | Represents a ListBox ActiveX control. |
RadioButtonActiveXControl | Represents a RadioButton ActiveX control. |
ScrollBarActiveXControl | Represents the ScrollBar control. |
SpinButtonActiveXControl | Represents the SpinButton control. |
TextBoxActiveXControl | Represents a text box ActiveX control. |
ToggleButtonActiveXControl | Represents a ToggleButton ActiveX control. |
UnknownControl | Unknow control. |
ArcShape | Represents the arc shape. |
Area | Encapsulates the object that represents an area format. |
AutomaticFill | represents automatic fill. |
BaseShapeGuide | Represents the shape guide. |
Bevel | Represents a bevel of a shape |
Button | Represents the Forms control: Button |
CellsDrawing | Represents the auto shape and drawing object. |
ChartShape | Represents the shape of the chart.Properties and methods for the ChartObject object control the appearance and size of the embedded chart on the worksheet. |
CheckBox | Represents a check box object in a worksheet. |
CheckBoxCollection | Represents a collection of objects in a worksheet. |
ColorHelper | Provides helper functions about color. |
ComboBox | Represents the control form ComboBox. |
CommentShape | Represents the shape of the comment. |
CustomGeometry | Represents a custom geometric shape. |
CustomXmlShape | Represents Custom xml shape ,such as Ink. |
Dialog_Box | Represents the dialog box. |
FillFormat | Encapsulates the object that represents fill formatting for a shape. |
Format3D | This class specifies the 3D shape properties for a chart element or shape. |
Geometry | Represents a geometric shape. |
GlowEffect | This class specifies a glow effect, in which a color blurred outlineis added outside the edges of the object. |
GradientFill | Represents the gradient fill. |
GradientStop | Represents the gradient stop. |
GradientStopCollection | Represents the gradient stop collection. |
GroupBox | Encapsulates the object that represents a groupbox in a spreadsheet. |
GroupFill | Represents this fill format should inherit the fill properties of the group. |
GroupShape | Represents the group shape which contains the individual shapes. |
Label | Encapsulates the object that represents a label in a spreadsheet. |
Line | Encapsulates the object that represents the line format. |
LineFormat | Represents all setting of the line. |
LineShape | Represents the line shape. |
ListBox | Represents a list box object. |
MsoFillFormat | Represents fill formatting for a shape. |
MsoFillFormatHelper | Represents fill formatting for a shape. |
MsoFormatPicture | Represents the picture format. |
MsoLineFormat | Represents line and arrowhead formatting. |
MsoLineFormatHelper | Represents line and arrowhead formatting. |
MsoTextFrame | Represents the text frame in a Shape object. |
NoneFill | Represents no fill. |
OleObject | Represents an OleObject in a worksheet. |
OleObjectCollection | Represents embedded OLE objects. |
Oval | Represents the oval shape. |
PatternFill | Encapsulates the object that represents pattern fill format |
PicFormatOption | Represents picture format option |
Picture | Encapsulates the object that represents a single picture in a spreadsheet. |
PictureCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
RadioButton | Represents a radio button. |
RectangleShape | Represents the rectangle shape. |
ReflectionEffect | This class specifies a reflection effect. |
ScrollBar | Represents a scroll bar object. |
ShadowEffect | This class specifies the shadow effect of the chart element or shape. |
Shape | Represents the msodrawing object. |
ShapeCollection | Represents all the shape in a worksheet/chart. |
ShapeGuide | Encapsulates a shape guide specifies the presence of a shape guide that will be used togovern the geometry of the specified shape |
ShapeGuideCollection | Encapsulates a collection of shape guide |
ShapePath | Represents a creation path consisting of a series of moves, lines and curves that when combined will form a geometric shape. |
ShapePathCollection | Represents path collection information in NotPrimitive autoshape |
ShapePathPoint | Represents an x-y coordinate within the path coordinate space. |
ShapePathPointCollection | Represents all shape path points. |
ShapePropertyCollection | This class specifies the visual shape properties for a chart element or shape. |
ShapeSegmentPath | Represents a segment path in a path of the freeform. |
ShapeSegmentPathCollection | Represents a creation path consisting of a series of moves, lines and curves that when combined will form a geometric shape. |
SignatureLine | Represent the signature line. |
SmartArtShape | Represents the smart art. |
SolidFill | Encapsulates the object that represents solid fill format |
Spinner | Represents the Forms control: Spinner. |
TextBox | Encapsulates the object that represents a textbox in a spreadsheet. |
TextBoxCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
TextEffectFormat | Contains properties and methods that apply to WordArt objects. |
TextureFill | Encapsulates the object that represents texture fill format |
ThreeDFormat | Represents a shape’s three-dimensional formatting. |
TilePicOption | Represents tile picture as texture. |
VmlShapeGuide | just for vmlEncapsulates a shape guide specifies the presence of a shapeguide that will be used to govern the geometry of the specified shape |
WebExtensionShape | Represents the shape of web extension. |
AutoNumberedBulletValue | Represents automatic numbered bullet. |
Bullet | Represents the bullet points should be applied to a paragraph. |
BulletValue | Represents the value of the bullet. |
CharacterBulletValue | Represents the character bullet. |
FontSettingCollection | Represents the list of . |
NoneBulletValue | Represents no bullet. |
PictureBulletValue | Represents the value of the image bullet. |
ShapeTextAlignment | Represents the setting of shape’s text alignment; |
TextBoxOptions | Represents the text options of the shape |
TextOptions | Represents the text options. |
TextParagraph | Represents the text paragraph setting. |
TextParagraphCollection | Represents all text paragraph. |
TextTabStop | Represents tab stop. |
TextTabStopCollection | Represents the list of all tab stops. |
Axis | Encapsulates the object that represents an axis of chart. |
AxisBins | Represents axis bins |
Chart | Encapsulates the object that represents a single Excel chart. |
ChartArea | Encapsulates the object that represents the chart area in the worksheet. |
ChartCalculateOptions | Represents the options for calculating chart. |
ChartCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
ChartDataTable | Represents a chart data table. |
ChartFrame | Encapsulates the object that represents the frame object in a chart. |
ChartGlobalizationSettings | Represents the globalization settings for chart. |
ChartPoint | Represents a single point in a series in a chart. |
ChartPointCollection | Represents a collection that contains all the points in one series. |
ChartTextFrame | Encapsulates the object that represents the frame object which contains text. |
DataLabels | Encapsulates a collection of all the DataLabel objects for the specified Series. |
DisplayUnitLabel | Represents the display unit label. |
DropBars | Represents the up/down bars in a chart. |
ErrorBar | Represents error bar of data series. |
Floor | Encapsulates the object that represents the floor of a 3-D chart. |
Legend | Encapsulates the object that represents the chart legend. |
LegendEntry | Represents a legend entry in a chart legend. |
LegendEntryCollection | Represents a collection of all the objects in the specified chart legend. |
Marker | Represents the marker in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart. |
PivotOptions | Represents a complex type that specifies the pivot controls that appear on the chart |
PlotArea | Encapsulates the object that represents the plot area in a chart. |
Series | Encapsulates the object that represents a single data series in a chart. |
SeriesCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
SeriesLayoutProperties | Represents the properties of series layout. |
Sparkline | A sparkline represents a tiny chart or graphic in a worksheet cell that provides a visual representation of data. |
SparklineCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
SparklineGroup | is organized into sparkline group. A SparklineGroup contains a variable number of sparkline items.A sparkline group specifies the type, display settings and axis settings for the sparklines. |
SparklineGroupCollection | Encapsulates a collection of objects. |
TickLabelItem | Represents a tick label in the chart. |
TickLabels | Represents the tick-mark labels associated with tick marks on a chart axis. |
Title | Encapsulates the object that represents the title of chart or axis. |
Trendline | Represents a trendline in a chart. |
TrendlineCollection | Represents a collection of all the objects for the specified data series. |
Walls | Encapsulates the object that represents the walls of a 3-D chart. |
BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection | A collection of built-in document properties. |
ContentTypeProperty | Represents identifier information. |
ContentTypePropertyCollection | A collection of objects that represent additional information. |
CustomDocumentPropertyCollection | A collection of custom document properties. |
CustomProperty | Represents identifier information. |
CustomPropertyCollection | A collection of objects that represent additional information. |
DocumentProperty | Represents a custom or built-in document property. |
DocumentPropertyCollection | Base class for and collections. |
ConnectionParameter | Specifies properties about any parameters used with external data connectionsParameters are valid for ODBC and web queries. |
ConnectionParameterCollection | Specifies the collection |
DataModelConnection | Specifies a data model connection |
DBConnection | Specifies all properties associated with an ODBC or OLE DB external data connection. |
ExternalConnection | Specifies an external data connection |
ExternalConnectionCollection | Specifies the collection |
WebQueryConnection | Specifies the properties for a web query source. A web query will retrieve data from HTML tables,and can also supply HTTP “Get” parameters to be processed by the web server in generating the HTML byincluding the parameters and parameter elements. |
ConversionUtility | Represents utility to convert files to other formats. |
ExportRangeToJsonOptions | Indicates the options that exporting range to json. |
JsonLayoutOptions | Represents the options of json layout type. |
JsonUtility | Represents the utility class of processing json. |
CustomPiovtFieldGroupItem | Represents an item of custom grouped field. |
PivotArea | Presents the selected area of the PivotTable. |
PivotAreaCollection | Represents a list of pivot area. |
PivotAreaFilter | Represents the filter of for . |
PivotAreaFilterCollection | Represents the list of filters for |
PivotConditionalFormat | Represents a PivotTable Format Condition in PivotFormatCondition Collection. |
PivotConditionalFormatCollection | Represents all conditional formats of pivot table. |
PivotDateTimeRangeGroupSettings | Represents the field grouped by date time range. |
PivotDiscreteGroupSettings | Rrepsents the discrete group of pivot field |
PivotField | Represents a field in a PivotTable report. |
PivotFieldCollection | Represents a collection of all the PivotField objectsin the PivotTable’s specific PivotFields type. |
PivotFieldGroupSettings | Represents the group setting of pivot field. |
PivotFieldSortSetting | Represents the setting of sorting pivot fields. |
PivotFilter | Represents a PivotFilter in PivotFilter Collection. |
PivotFilterCollection | Represents a collection of all the PivotFilter objects |
PivotFormatCondition | Represents a PivotTable Format Condition in PivotFormatCondition Collection. |
PivotFormatConditionCollection | Represents PivotTable Format Conditions. |
PivotItem | Represents a item in a PivotField report. |
PivotItemCollection | Represents all the objects in the PivotField. |
PivotNumbericRangeGroupSettings | Represents the numberic range group of the pivot field. |
PivotPageFields | Represents the pivot page field itemsif the pivot table data source is consolidation ranges.It only can contain up to 4 fields. |
PivotShowValuesSetting | Represents the settings about showing values as when the ShowDataAs calculation is in use. |
PivotTable | Summary description for PivotTable. |
PivotTableCalculateOption | Rerepsents the options of calcuating the pivot table. |
PivotTableCollection | Represents the collection of all the PivotTable objects on the specified worksheet. |
PivotTableFormat | Represents the format defined in the PivotTable. |
PivotTableFormatCollection | Represents the collection of formats applied to PivotTable. |
PivotTableRefreshOption | Represents the options of refreshing data source of the pivot table. |
CustomXmlPart | Represents a Custom XML Data Storage Part (custom XML data within a package). |
CustomXmlPartCollection | Represents a Custom XML Data Storage Part (custom XML data within a package). |
SmartTag | Represents a smart tag. |
SmartTagCollection | Represents all smart tags in the cell. |
SmartTagOptions | Represents the options of the smart tag. |
SmartTagProperty | Represents the property of the cell smart tag. |
SmartTagPropertyCollection | Represents all properties of cell smart tag. |
SmartTagSetting | Represents all object in the worksheet. |
DataMashup | Represents mashup data. |
PowerQueryFormula | Represents the definition of power query formula. |
PowerQueryFormulaCollection | Represents all power query formulas in the mashup data. |
PowerQueryFormulaFunction | Represents the function of power query. |
PowerQueryFormulaItem | Represents the item of the power query formula. |
PowerQueryFormulaItemCollection | Represents all item of the power query formula. |
PowerQueryFormulaParameter | Represents the parameter of power query formula. |
PowerQueryFormulaParameterCollection | Represents the parameters of power query formula. |
DataModel | Represents the data model. |
DataModelRelationship | Represents a single relationship in the spreadsheet data model. |
DataModelRelationshipCollection | Represents the relationships. |
DataModelTable | Represents properties of a single table in spreadsheet data model. |
DataModelTableCollection | Represents the list of the data model table. |
DigitalSignature | Signature in file. |
DigitalSignatureCollection | Provides a collection of digital signatures attached to a document. |
DrawObject | DrawObject will be initialized and returned when rendering. |
DrawObjectEventHandler | Interface to get DrawObject and Bound when rendering. |
ImageOrPrintOptions | Allows to specify options when rendering worksheet to images, printing worksheet or rendering chart to image. |
PageEndSavingArgs | Info for a page ends saving process. |
PageSavingArgs | Info for a page saving process. |
PageStartSavingArgs | Info for a page starts saving process. |
PdfBookmarkEntry | PdfBookmarkEntry is an entry in pdf bookmark.if Text property of current instance is null or “",current instance will be hidden and children will be inserted on current level. |
RenderingFont | Font for rendering. |
RenderingWatermark | Watermark for rendering. |
SheetPrintingPreview | Worksheet printing preview. |
SheetRender | Represents a worksheet render which can render worksheet to various images such as (BMP, PNG, JPEG, TIFF..)The constructor of this class , must be used after modification of pagesetup, cell style. |
SheetSet | Describes a set of sheets. |
WorkbookPrintingPreview | Workbook printing preview. |
WorkbookRender | Represents a Workbook render.The constructor of this class , must be used after modification of pagesetup, cell style. |
EbookSaveOptions | Represents the options for saving ebook file. |
SqlScriptColumnTypeMap | Represents column type map. |
SqlScriptSaveOptions | Represents the options of saving sql. |
HighlightChangesOptions | Represents options of highlighting revsions or changes of shared Excel files. |
Revision | Represents the revision. |
RevisionAutoFormat | represents a revision record of information about a formatting change. |
RevisionCellChange | Represents the revision that changing cells. |
RevisionCellComment | Represents a revision record of a cell comment change. |
RevisionCellMove | Represents a revision record on a cell(s) that moved. |
RevisionCollection | Represents all revision logs. |
RevisionCustomView | Represents a revision record of adding or removing a custom view to the workbook |
RevisionDefinedName | Represents a revision record of a defined name change. |
RevisionFormat | Represents a revision record of information about a formatting change. |
RevisionHeader | Represents a list of specific changes that have taken place for this workbook. |
RevisionInsertDelete | Represents a revision record of a row/column insert/delete action. |
RevisionInsertSheet | Represents a revision record of a sheet that was inserted. |
RevisionLog | Represents the revision log. |
RevisionLogCollection | Represents all revision logs. |
RevisionMergeConflict | Represents a revision record which indicates that there was a merge conflict. |
RevisionQueryTable | Represents a revision of a query table field change. |
RevisionRenameSheet | Represents a revision of renaming sheet. |
ListColumn | Represents a column in a Table. |
ListColumnCollection | Represents A collection of all the objects in the specified ListObject object. |
ListObject | Represents a list object on a worksheet.The ListObject object is a member of the ListObjects collection.The ListObjects collection contains all the list objects on a worksheet. |
ListObjectCollection | Represents a collection of objects in the worksheet. |
TableStyle | Represents the table style. |
TableStyleCollection | Represents all custom table styles. |
TableStyleElement | Represents the element of the table style. |
TableStyleElementCollection | Represents all elements of the table style. |
TableToRangeOptions | Represents the options when converting table to range. |
MetadataOptions | Represents the options of loading metadata of the file. |
WorkbookMetadata | Represents the meta data. |
NumbersLoadOptions | Represents the options of loading Apple Numbers files. |
OdsCellField | Represents the cell field of ods. |
OdsCellFieldCollection | Represents the fields of ODS. |
OdsPageBackground | Represents the page background of ods. |
PdfSecurityOptions | Options for encrypting and access permissions for a PDF document.PDF/A does not allow security setting. |
PivotGlobalizationSettings | Represents the globalization settings for pivot tables. |
Slicer | summary description of Slicer View |
SlicerCache | Represent summary description of slicer cache |
SlicerCacheItem | Represent slicer data source item |
SlicerCacheItemCollection | Represent the collection of SlicerCacheItem |
SlicerCollection | Specifies the collection of all the Slicer objects on the specified worksheet. |
Timeline | Summary description of Timeline ViewDue to MS Excel, Excel 2003 does not support Timeline |
TimelineCollection | Specifies the collection of all the Timeline objects on the specified worksheet.Due to MS Excel, Excel 2003 does not support Timeline. |
VbaModule | Represents the module in VBA project. |
VbaModuleCollection | Represents the list of |
VbaProject | Represents the VBA project. |
VbaProjectReference | Represents the reference of VBA project. |
VbaProjectReferenceCollection | Represents all references of VBA project. |
WebExtension | Represents an Office Add-in instance. |
WebExtensionBinding | Represents a binding relationship between an Office Add-in and the data in the document. |
WebExtensionBindingCollection | Represents the list of binding relationships between an Office Add-in and the data in the document. |
WebExtensionCollection | Represents the list of web extension. |
WebExtensionProperty | Represents an Office Add-in custom property. |
WebExtensionPropertyCollection | Represents the list of web extension properties. |
WebExtensionReference | Represents identify the provider location and version of the extension. |
WebExtensionReferenceCollection | Represents the list of web extension reference. |
WebExtensionTaskPane | Represents a persisted taskpane object. |
WebExtensionTaskPaneCollection | Represents the list of task pane. |