ActiveXControlBase Class

ActiveXControlBase class

Represents the ActiveX control.

type ActiveXControlBase struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetWorkbookGets the Workbook object.
GetMouseIconGets and sets a custom icon to display as the mouse pointer for the control.
SetMouseIconGets and sets a custom icon to display as the mouse pointer for the control.
GetMousePointerGets and sets the type of icon displayed as the mouse pointer for the control.
SetMousePointerGets and sets the type of icon displayed as the mouse pointer for the control.
GetLinkedCellGets and sets the linked cell.
SetLinkedCellGets and sets the linked cell.
GetListFillRangeGets and sets the list fill range.
SetListFillRangeGets and sets the list fill range.
GetTypeGets the type of the ActiveX control.
GetWidthGets and sets the width of the control in unit of points.
SetWidthGets and sets the width of the control in unit of points.
GetHeightGets and sets the height of the control in unit of points.
SetHeightGets and sets the height of the control in unit of points.
GetForeOleColorGets and sets the ole color of the foreground.
SetForeOleColorGets and sets the ole color of the foreground.
GetBackOleColorGets and sets the ole color of the background.
SetBackOleColorGets and sets the ole color of the background.
IsVisibleIndicates whether this control is visible.
SetIsVisibleIndicates whether this control is visible.
GetShadowIndicates whether to show a shadow.
SetShadowIndicates whether to show a shadow.
GetDataGets and sets the binary data of the control.