BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection Class

BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection class

A collection of built-in document properties.

type BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewBuiltInDocumentPropertyCollectionConstructs from a parent object.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
Get_StringReturns a DocumentProperty object by the name of the property.
Get_IntReturns a DocumentProperty object by index.
GetLanguageGets or sets the document’s language.
SetLanguageGets or sets the document’s language.
GetAuthorGets or sets the name of the document’s author.
SetAuthorGets or sets the name of the document’s author.
GetCommentsGets or sets the document comments.
SetCommentsGets or sets the document comments.
GetCategoryGets or sets the category of the document.
SetCategoryGets or sets the category of the document.
GetContentTypeGets or sets the content type of the document.
SetContentTypeGets or sets the content type of the document.
GetContentStatusGets or sets the content status of the document.
SetContentStatusGets or sets the content status of the document.
GetCompanyGets or sets the company property.
SetCompanyGets or sets the company property.
GetHyperlinkBaseGets or sets the hyperlinkbase property.
SetHyperlinkBaseGets or sets the hyperlinkbase property.
GetCreatedTimeGets or sets date of the document creation in local timezone.
SetCreatedTimeGets or sets date of the document creation in local timezone.
GetCreatedUniversalTimeGets or sets the Universal time of the document creation.
SetCreatedUniversalTimeGets or sets the Universal time of the document creation.
GetKeywordsGets or sets the document keywords.
SetKeywordsGets or sets the document keywords.
GetLastPrintedGets or sets the date when the document was last printed in local timezone.
SetLastPrintedGets or sets the date when the document was last printed in local timezone.
GetLastPrintedUniversalTimeGets or sets the Universal time when the document was last printed.
SetLastPrintedUniversalTimeGets or sets the Universal time when the document was last printed.
GetLastSavedByGets or sets the name of the last author.
SetLastSavedByGets or sets the name of the last author.
GetLastSavedTimeGets or sets the time of the last save in local timezone.
SetLastSavedTimeGets or sets the time of the last save in local timezone.
GetLastSavedUniversalTimeGets or sets the universal time of the last save.
SetLastSavedUniversalTimeGets or sets the universal time of the last save.
GetManagerGets or sets the manager property.
SetManagerGets or sets the manager property.
GetNameOfApplicationGets or sets the name of the application.
SetNameOfApplicationGets or sets the name of the application.
GetPagesRepresents an estimate of the number of pages in the document.
SetPagesRepresents an estimate of the number of pages in the document.
GetRevisionNumberGets or sets the document revision number.
SetRevisionNumberGets or sets the document revision number.
GetSubjectGets or sets the subject of the document.
SetSubjectGets or sets the subject of the document.
GetTemplateGets or sets the informational name of the document template.
SetTemplateGets or sets the informational name of the document template.
GetTitleGets or sets the title of the document.
SetTitleGets or sets the title of the document.
GetTotalEditingTimeGets or sets the total editing time in minutes.
SetTotalEditingTimeGets or sets the total editing time in minutes.
GetVersionRepresents the version number of the application that created the document.
SetVersionRepresents the version number of the application that created the document.
GetDocumentVersionRepresents the version of the file.
SetDocumentVersionRepresents the version of the file.
GetScaleCropIndicates the display mode of the document thumbnail.
SetScaleCropIndicates the display mode of the document thumbnail.
GetLinksUpToDateIndicates whether hyperlinks in a document are up-to-date.
SetLinksUpToDateIndicates whether hyperlinks in a document are up-to-date.
GetWordsRepresents an estimate of the number of words in the document.
SetWordsRepresents an estimate of the number of words in the document.
ContainsReturns true if a property with the specified name exists in the collection.
IndexOfGets the index of a property by name.
RemoveRemoves a property with the specified name from the collection.
RemoveAtRemoves a property at the specified index.