CalculationData Class

CalculationData class

Represents the required data when calculating one function, such as function name, parameters, …etc.

type CalculationData struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetCalculatedValueGets or sets the calculated value for this function.
SetCalculatedValueGets or sets the calculated value for this function.
GetWorkbookGets the Workbook object where the function is in.
GetWorksheetGets the Worksheet object where the function is in.
GetCellRowGets the row index of the cell where the function is in.
GetCellColumnGets the column index of the cell where the function is in.
GetCellGets the Cell object where the function is in.
GetFunctionNameGets the function name to be calculated.
GetParamCountGets the count of parameters
GetParamValueGets the represented value object of the parameter at given index.
GetParamValueInArrayModeGets the value(s) of the parameter at given index.If the parameter is some kind of expression that needs to be calculated,then it will be calculated in array mode.
GetParamTextGets the literal text of the parameter at given index.