ChartFrame Class

ChartFrame class

Encapsulates the object that represents the frame object in a chart.

type ChartFrame struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
IsInnerModeIndicates whether the size of the plot area size includes the tick marks, and the axis labels.False specifies that the size shall determine the size of the plot area, the tick marks, and the axis labels.
SetIsInnerModeIndicates whether the size of the plot area size includes the tick marks, and the axis labels.False specifies that the size shall determine the size of the plot area, the tick marks, and the axis labels.
GetBackgroundModeGets and sets the display mode of the background
SetBackgroundModeGets and sets the display mode of the background
GetShadowTrue if the frame has a shadow.
SetShadowTrue if the frame has a shadow.
GetShapePropertiesGets the ShapeProperties object.
IsDefaultPosBeSetIndicates whether default position(DefaultX, DefaultY, DefaultWidth and DefaultHeight) are set.
GetDefaultXRepresents x of default position
GetDefaultYRepresents y of default position
GetDefaultWidthRepresents width of default position
GetDefaultHeightRepresents height of default position
GetBorderGets the Line.
GetAreaGets the Area.
GetTextOptionsGets and sets the options of the text.
GetFontGets a Font object of the specified ChartFrame object.
GetAutoScaleFontTrue if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes. The default value is True.
SetAutoScaleFontTrue if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes. The default value is True.
IsAutomaticSizeIndicates whether the chart frame is automatic sized.
SetIsAutomaticSizeIndicates whether the chart frame is automatic sized.
GetXGets or sets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
SetXGets or sets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
GetYGets or sets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
SetYGets or sets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
GetHeightGets or sets the height of frame in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
SetHeightGets or sets the height of frame in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
GetWidthGets or sets the width of frame in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
SetWidthGets or sets the width of frame in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
SetPositionAutoSet position of the frame to automatic