ChartPoint Class

ChartPoint class

Represents a single point in a series in a chart.

type ChartPoint struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetExplosionThe distance of an open pie slice from the center of the pie chart is expressed as a percentage of the pie diameter.
SetExplosionThe distance of an open pie slice from the center of the pie chart is expressed as a percentage of the pie diameter.
GetShadowTrue if the chartpoint has a shadow.
SetShadowTrue if the chartpoint has a shadow.
GetBorderGets the Line.
GetAreaGets the Area.
GetMarkerGets the Marker.
GetDataLabelsReturns a DataLabels object that represents the data label associated with this chart point.
Get_YValueGets or sets the Y value of the chart point.
SetYValueGets or sets the Y value of the chart point.
GetYValueTypeGets Y value type of the chart point.
GetXValueGets or sets the X value of the chart point.
SetXValueGets or sets the X value of the chart point.
GetXValueTypeGets X value type of the chart point.
GetShapePropertiesGets the ShapePropertyCollection object that holds the visual shape properties of the ChartPoint.
IsInSecondaryPlotGets or sets a value indicates whether this data points is in the second pie or baron a pie of pie or bar of pie chart
SetIsInSecondaryPlotGets or sets a value indicates whether this data points is in the second pie or baron a pie of pie or bar of pie chart
GetShapeXGets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of chart’s width after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetShapeYGets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of chart’s height after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetShapeWidthGets the width in units of 1/4000 of chart’s width after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetShapeHeightGets the height in units of 1/4000 of chart’s height after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetShapeXPxGets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetShapeYPxGets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetShapeWidthPxGets the width in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetShapeHeightPxGets the height in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetBorderWidthPxGets the width of border in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetRadiusPxGets the radius of bubble, pie or doughnut in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetDoughnutInnerRadiusGets the inner radius of doughnut slice in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies to Doughnut chart.
GetStartAngleGets the starting angle for the pie section, measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies to Pie chart.
GetEndAngleGets the ending angle for the pie section, measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies to Pie chart.
GetArcStartPointXPxGets the x coordinate of starting point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies to Pie and Doughnut chart.
GetArcStartPointYPxGets the y coordinate of starting point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies to Pie and Doughnut chart.
GetArcEndPointXPxGets the x coordinate of ending point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies to Pie and Doughnut chart.
GetArcEndPointYPxGets the y coordinate of ending point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies to Pie and Doughnut chart.
GetInnerArcStartPointXPxGets the x coordinate of starting point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies to Doughnut chart.
GetInnerArcStartPointYPxGets the y coordinate of starting point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies to Doughnut chart.
GetInnerArcEndPointXPxGets the x coordinate of ending point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies to Doughnut chart.
GetInnerArcEndPointYPxGets the y coordinate of ending point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies to Doughnut chart.
GetTopPointCountGets the number of top points after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetTopPointXPxGets x-coordinate of the top point of shape after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies 3D charts: Column3D, Bar3D, Cone, Cylinder, Pyramid and Area3D
GetTopPointYPxGets y-coordinate of the top point of shape after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies 3D charts: Column3D, Bar3D, Cone, Cylinder, Pyramid and Area3D
GetBottomPointCountGets the number of bottom points after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
GetBottomPointXPxGets x-coordinate of the bottom point of shape after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies 3D charts: Column3D, Bar3D, Cone, Cylinder, Pyramid
GetBottomPointYPxGets y-coordinate of the bottom point of shape after calls Chart.Calculate() method.Applies 3D charts: Column3D, Bar3D, Cone, Cylinder, Pyramid
GetOnCategoryAxisPointCountGets the number of the points on category axis after calls Chart.Calculate() method. Only applies to area chart.
GetOnCategoryAxisPointXPxGets x-coordinate of the point on category axis after calls Chart.Calculate() method. Only applies to Area chart.
GetOnCategoryAxisPointYPxGets y-coordinate of the point on category axis after calls Chart.Calculate() method. Only applies to Area chart.