Comment Class

Comment class

Encapsulates the object that represents a cell comment.

type Comment struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetAuthorGets and sets Name of the original comment author
SetAuthorGets and sets Name of the original comment author
GetCommentShapeGet a Shape object that represents the shape attached to the specified comment.
GetRowGets the row index of the comment.
GetColumnGets the column index of the comment.
IsThreadedCommentIndicates whether this comment is a threaded comment.
GetThreadedCommentsGets the list of threaded comments;
GetNoteRepresents the content of comment.
SetNoteRepresents the content of comment.
GetHtmlNoteGets and sets the html string which contains data and some formats in this comment.
SetHtmlNoteGets and sets the html string which contains data and some formats in this comment.
GetFontGets the font of comment.
FormatCharactersFormat some characters with the font setting.
CharactersReturns a Characters object that represents a range of characters within the comment text.
GetRichFormattingsReturns all Characters objectsthat represents a range of characters within the comment text.
IsVisibleRepresents if the comment is visible or not.
SetIsVisibleRepresents if the comment is visible or not.
GetTextOrientationTypeGets and sets the text orientation type of the comment.
SetTextOrientationTypeGets and sets the text orientation type of the comment.
GetTextHorizontalAlignmentGets and sets the text horizontal alignment type of the comment.
SetTextHorizontalAlignmentGets and sets the text horizontal alignment type of the comment.
GetTextVerticalAlignmentGets and sets the text vertical alignment type of the comment.
SetTextVerticalAlignmentGets and sets the text vertical alignment type of the comment.
GetAutoSizeIndicates if size of comment is adjusted automatically according to its content.
SetAutoSizeIndicates if size of comment is adjusted automatically according to its content.
GetHeightCMRepresents the height of the comment, in unit of centimeters.
SetHeightCMRepresents the height of the comment, in unit of centimeters.
GetWidthCMRepresents the width of the comment, in unit of centimeters.
SetWidthCMRepresents the width of the comment, in unit of centimeters.
GetWidthRepresents the width of the comment, in unit of pixels.
SetWidthRepresents the width of the comment, in unit of pixels.
GetHeightRepresents the Height of the comment, in unit of pixels.
SetHeightRepresents the Height of the comment, in unit of pixels.
GetWidthInchRepresents the width of the comment, in unit of inches.
SetWidthInchRepresents the width of the comment, in unit of inches.
GetHeightInchRepresents the height of the comment, in unit of inches.
SetHeightInchRepresents the height of the comment, in unit of inches.