DataBar Class

DataBar class

Describe the DataBar conditional formatting rule.This conditional formatting rule displays a gradateddata bar in the range of cells.

type DataBar struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetAxisColorGets the color of the axis for cells with conditional formatting as data bars.
SetAxisColorGets the color of the axis for cells with conditional formatting as data bars.
GetAxisPositionGets or sets the position of the axis of the data bars specified by a conditional formatting rule.
SetAxisPositionGets or sets the position of the axis of the data bars specified by a conditional formatting rule.
GetBarFillTypeGets or sets how a data bar is filled with color.
SetBarFillTypeGets or sets how a data bar is filled with color.
GetDirectionGets or sets the direction the databar is displayed.
SetDirectionGets or sets the direction the databar is displayed.
GetBarBorderGets an object that specifies the border of a data bar.
GetNegativeBarFormatGets the NegativeBarFormat object associated with a data bar conditional formatting rule.
GetMinCfvoGet or set this DataBar’s min value object.Cannot set null or CFValueObject with type FormatConditionValueType.Max to it.
GetMaxCfvoGet or set this DataBar’s max value object.Cannot set null or CFValueObject with type FormatConditionValueType.Min to it.
GetColorGet or set this DataBar’s Color.
SetColorGet or set this DataBar’s Color.
GetMinLengthRepresents the min length of data bar .
SetMinLengthRepresents the min length of data bar .
GetMaxLengthRepresents the max length of data bar .
SetMaxLengthRepresents the max length of data bar .
GetShowValueGet or set the flag indicating whether to show the values of the cells on which this data bar is applied.Default value is true.
SetShowValueGet or set the flag indicating whether to show the values of the cells on which this data bar is applied.Default value is true.
ToImageRender data bar in cell to image byte array.