DataLabels Class

DataLabels class

Encapsulates a collection of all the DataLabel objects for the specified Series.

type DataLabels struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewDataLabelsConstructs from a parent object.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetBorderGets the Line.
GetAreaGets the Area.
IsAutoTextIndicates the text is auto generated.
SetIsAutoTextIndicates the text is auto generated.
GetDirectionTypeGets and sets the direction of text.
SetDirectionTypeGets and sets the direction of text.
GetTextGets or sets the text of data label.
SetTextGets or sets the text of data label.
IsTextWrappedGets or sets a value indicating whether the text is wrapped.
SetIsTextWrappedGets or sets a value indicating whether the text is wrapped.
GetBackgroundModeGets and sets the display mode of the background
SetBackgroundModeGets and sets the display mode of the background
GetShowValueRepresents a specified chart’s data label values display behavior. True displays the values. False to hide.
SetShowValueRepresents a specified chart’s data label values display behavior. True displays the values. False to hide.
GetShowCellRangeIndicates whether showing cell range as the data labels.
SetShowCellRangeIndicates whether showing cell range as the data labels.
GetShowPercentageRepresents a specified chart’s data label percentage value display behavior. True displays the percentage value. False to hide.
SetShowPercentageRepresents a specified chart’s data label percentage value display behavior. True displays the percentage value. False to hide.
GetShowBubbleSizeRepresents a specified chart’s data label percentage value display behavior. True displays the percentage value. False to hide.
SetShowBubbleSizeRepresents a specified chart’s data label percentage value display behavior. True displays the percentage value. False to hide.
GetShowCategoryNameRepresents a specified chart’s data label category name display behavior.True to display the category name for the data labels on a chart. False to hide.
SetShowCategoryNameRepresents a specified chart’s data label category name display behavior.True to display the category name for the data labels on a chart. False to hide.
GetShowSeriesNameIndicates whether the series name displays for the data labels on a chart.True to show the series name. False to hide.
SetShowSeriesNameIndicates whether the series name displays for the data labels on a chart.True to show the series name. False to hide.
GetShowLegendKeyRepresents a specified chart’s data label legend key display behavior.True if the data label legend key is visible.
SetShowLegendKeyRepresents a specified chart’s data label legend key display behavior.True if the data label legend key is visible.
Get_NumberFormatRepresents the format string for the DataLabels object.
SetNumberFormatRepresents the format string for the DataLabels object.
GetNumberGets and sets the built-in number format.
SetNumberGets and sets the built-in number format.
GetNumberFormatLinkedTrue if the number format is linked to the cells(so that the number format changes in the labels when it changes in the cells).
SetNumberFormatLinkedTrue if the number format is linked to the cells(so that the number format changes in the labels when it changes in the cells).
ApplyFontApply the font of the datalabels to all child nodes.
GetFontGets the font of the DataLabels;
GetSeparatorTypeGets or sets the separator type used for the data labels on a chart.
SetSeparatorTypeGets or sets the separator type used for the data labels on a chart.
GetSeparatorValueGets or sets the separator value used for the data labels on a chart.
SetSeparatorValueGets or sets the separator value used for the data labels on a chart.
GetPositionRepresents the position of the data label.
SetPositionRepresents the position of the data label.
IsNeverOverlapIndicates whether the datalabels display never overlap. (For Pie chart)
SetIsNeverOverlapIndicates whether the datalabels display never overlap. (For Pie chart)
GetShapeTypeGets or sets shape type of data label.
SetShapeTypeGets or sets shape type of data label.
IsDeletedIndicates whether this data labels is deleted.
SetIsDeletedIndicates whether this data labels is deleted.
GetTextHorizontalAlignmentGets and sets the text horizontal alignment.
SetTextHorizontalAlignmentGets and sets the text horizontal alignment.
GetTextVerticalAlignmentGets or sets the text vertical alignment of text.
SetTextVerticalAlignmentGets or sets the text vertical alignment of text.
GetRotationAngleRepresents text rotation angle.
SetRotationAngleRepresents text rotation angle.
IsAutomaticRotationIndicates whether the text of the chart is automatically rotated.
CharactersReturns a Characters object that represents a range of characters within the text.
GetReadingOrderRepresents text reading order.
SetReadingOrderRepresents text reading order.
IsResizeShapeToFitTextGets or sets whether a shape should be auto-fit to fully contain the text described within it. Auto-fitting iswhen text within a shape is scaled in order to contain all the text inside.
SetIsResizeShapeToFitTextGets or sets whether a shape should be auto-fit to fully contain the text described within it. Auto-fitting iswhen text within a shape is scaled in order to contain all the text inside.
GetLinkedSourceGets and sets a reference to the worksheet.
SetLinkedSourceGets and sets a reference to the worksheet.