FileFormatUtil Class

FileFormatUtil class

Provides utility methods for converting file format enums to strings or file extensions and back.

type FileFormatUtil struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




FileFormatUtil_DetectFileFormat_StreamDetects and returns the information about a format of an excel stored in a stream.
FileFormatUtil_DetectFileFormat_Stream_StringDetects and returns the information about a format of an excel stored in a stream.
FileFormatUtil_VerifyPasswordDetects and returns the information about a format of an excel stored in a stream.
FileFormatUtil_DetectFileFormat_StringDetects and returns the information about a format of an excel stored in a file.
FileFormatUtil_DetectFileFormat_String_StringDetects and returns the information about a format of an excel stored in a file.
FileFormatUtil_FileFormatToSaveFormatConverting file format to save format.
FileFormatUtil_ExtensionToSaveFormatConverts a file name extension into a SaveFormat value.
FileFormatUtil_IsTemplateFormatReturns true if the extension is .xlt, .xltX, .xltm,.ots.
FileFormatUtil_LoadFormatToExtensionConverts a load format enumerated value into a file extension.
FileFormatUtil_LoadFormatToSaveFormatConverts a LoadFormat value to a SaveFormat value if possible.
FileFormatUtil_SaveFormatToExtensionConverts a save format enumerated value into a file extension.
FileFormatUtil_SaveFormatToLoadFormatConverts a SaveFormat value to a LoadFormat value if possible.