ListBoxActiveXControl Class

ListBoxActiveXControl class

Represents a ListBox ActiveX control.

type ListBoxActiveXControl struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewListBoxActiveXControlConstructs from a parent object.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetTypeGets the type of the ActiveX control.
GetScrollBarsIndicates specifies whether the control has vertical scroll bars, horizontal scroll bars, both, or neither.
SetScrollBarsIndicates specifies whether the control has vertical scroll bars, horizontal scroll bars, both, or neither.
GetListWidthGets and set the width in unit of points.
SetListWidthGets and set the width in unit of points.
GetBoundColumnRepresents how the Value property is determined for a ComboBox or ListBoxwhen the MultiSelect properties value (fmMultiSelectSingle).
SetBoundColumnRepresents how the Value property is determined for a ComboBox or ListBoxwhen the MultiSelect properties value (fmMultiSelectSingle).
GetTextColumnRepresents the column in a ComboBox or ListBox to display to the user.
SetTextColumnRepresents the column in a ComboBox or ListBox to display to the user.
GetColumnCountRepresents the number of columns to display in a ComboBox or ListBox.
SetColumnCountRepresents the number of columns to display in a ComboBox or ListBox.
GetMatchEntryIndicates how a ListBox or ComboBox searches its list as the user types.
SetMatchEntryIndicates how a ListBox or ComboBox searches its list as the user types.
GetListStyleGets and sets the visual appearance.
SetListStyleGets and sets the visual appearance.
GetSelectionTypeIndicates whether the control permits multiple selections.
SetSelectionTypeIndicates whether the control permits multiple selections.
GetValueGets and sets the value of the control.
SetValueGets and sets the value of the control.
GetBorderStyleGets and set the type of border used by the control.
SetBorderStyleGets and set the type of border used by the control.
GetBorderOleColorGets and sets the ole color of the background.
SetBorderOleColorGets and sets the ole color of the background.
GetSpecialEffectGets and sets the special effect of the control.
SetSpecialEffectGets and sets the special effect of the control.
GetShowColumnHeadsIndicates whether column headings are displayed.
SetShowColumnHeadsIndicates whether column headings are displayed.
GetIntegralHeightIndicates whether the control will only show complete lines of text without showing any partial lines.
SetIntegralHeightIndicates whether the control will only show complete lines of text without showing any partial lines.
GetColumnWidthsGets and sets the width of the column.
SetColumnWidthsGets and sets the width of the column.
IsEnabledIndicates whether the control can receive the focus and respond to user-generated events.
SetIsEnabledIndicates whether the control can receive the focus and respond to user-generated events.
IsLockedIndicates whether data in the control is locked for editing.
SetIsLockedIndicates whether data in the control is locked for editing.
IsTransparentIndicates whether the control is transparent.
SetIsTransparentIndicates whether the control is transparent.
GetIMEModeGets and sets the default run-time mode of the Input Method Editor for the control as it receives focus.
SetIMEModeGets and sets the default run-time mode of the Input Method Editor for the control as it receives focus.
GetFontRepresents the font of the control.
GetTextAlignRepresents how to align the text used by the control.
SetTextAlignRepresents how to align the text used by the control.
GetDataGets and sets the binary data of the control.
IsAutoSizeIndicates whether the control will automatically resize to display its entire contents.
SetIsAutoSizeIndicates whether the control will automatically resize to display its entire contents.