ListObject Class

ListObject class

Represents a list object on a worksheet.The ListObject object is a member of the ListObjects collection.The ListObjects collection contains all the list objects on a worksheet.

type ListObject struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetStartRowGets the start row of the range.
GetStartColumnGets the start column of the range.
GetEndRowGets the end row of the range.
GetEndColumnGets the end column of the range.
GetListColumnsGets ListColumns of the ListObject.
ResizeResize the range of the list object.
PutCellValue_Int_Int_ObjectPut the value to the cell.
PutCellValue_Int_Int_Object_BoolPut the value to the cell.
PutCellFormula_Int_Int_StringPut the formula to the cell in the table.
PutCellFormula_Int_Int_String_BoolPut the formula to the cell in the table.
GetShowHeaderRowGets and sets whether this ListObject show header row.
SetShowHeaderRowGets and sets whether this ListObject show header row.
GetShowTotalsGets and sets whether this ListObject show total row.
SetShowTotalsGets and sets whether this ListObject show total row.
GetDataRangeGets the data range of the ListObject.
UpdateColumnNameUpdates all list columns’ name from the worksheet.
GetQueryTableGets the linked QueryTable.
GetDataSourceTypeGets the data source type of the table.
FilterFilter the table.
GetAutoFilterGets auto filter.
GetDisplayNameGets and sets the display name.
SetDisplayNameGets and sets the display name.
GetCommentGets and sets the comment of the table.
SetCommentGets and sets the comment of the table.
GetShowTableStyleFirstColumnIndicates whether the first column in the table should have the style applied.
SetShowTableStyleFirstColumnIndicates whether the first column in the table should have the style applied.
GetShowTableStyleLastColumnIndicates whether the last column in the table should have the style applied.
SetShowTableStyleLastColumnIndicates whether the last column in the table should have the style applied.
GetShowTableStyleRowStripesIndicates whether row stripe formatting is applied.
SetShowTableStyleRowStripesIndicates whether row stripe formatting is applied.
GetShowTableStyleColumnStripesIndicates whether column stripe formatting is applied.
SetShowTableStyleColumnStripesIndicates whether column stripe formatting is applied.
ApplyStyleToRangeApply the table style to the range.
ConvertToRangeConvert the table to range.
ConvertToRange_TableToRangeOptionsConvert the table to range.
GetTableStyleTypeGets and the built-in table style.
SetTableStyleTypeGets and the built-in table style.
GetTableStyleNameGets and sets the table style name.
SetTableStyleNameGets and sets the table style name.
GetXmlMapGets an XmlMap used for this list.
GetAlternativeTextGets and sets the alternative text.
SetAlternativeTextGets and sets the alternative text.
GetAlternativeDescriptionGets and sets the alternative description.
SetAlternativeDescriptionGets and sets the alternative description.