LoadFormat Enum

LoadFormat Enum

Represents the load file format.

type LoadFormat int32


AutoRepresents recognizing the format automatically.
CsvComma-Separated Values(CSV) text file.
XlsxRepresents Office Open XML spreadsheetML workbook or template, with or without macros.
TsvTab-Separated Values(TSV) text file.
HtmlRepresents a html file.
MHtmlRepresents a mhtml file.
OdsOpen Document Sheet(ODS) file.
Excel97To2003Represents an Excel97-2003 xls file.
SpreadsheetMLRepresents an Excel 2003 xml file.
XlsbRepresents an xlsb file.
OtsOpen Document Template Sheet(OTS) file.
NumbersRepresents a numbers file.
FodsRepresents OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet (.fods) file format.
SxcRepresents StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet (.sxc) file format.
XmlRepresents a simple xml file.
EpubReprents an EPUB file.
Azw3Represents an AZW3 file.
ChmRepresents a CHM file.
UnknownRepresents unrecognized format, cannot be loaded.