Object Class

Object class

Object class.

type Object struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewObjectDefault constructor. Constructs an empty object.
NewObject_BoolConstructs from a bool value.
NewObject_IntConstructs from an int8_t value.
NewObject_ByteConstructs from an uint8_t value.
NewObject_FloatConstructs from a float value.
NewObject_DoubleConstructs from a double value.
NewObject_DateConstructs from a Date value.
NewObject_ColorConstructs from a Color value.
NewObject_StringConstructs from U16String value.
NewObject_RangeConstructs from a Range value.


GetTypeGets the ObjectType of the object.
GetNumberTypeGets the NumberType of the object.
IsBoolChecks whether the object is a bool value.
IsNumberChecks whether the object is a number value.
IsInt32Checks whether the object is an int32_t value.
IsDoubleChecks whether the object is a double value.
IsNullChecks whether the object is null.
IsDateChecks whether the object is a Date value.
IsColorChecks whether the object is a Color value.
IsStringChecks whether the object is a String value.
IsRangeChecks whether the object is a Range pointer.
IsReferredAreaChecks whether the object is a ReferredArea pointer.
IsArray1DChecks whether the object is a one-dimensional array.
IsArray2DChecks whether the object is a two-dimensional array.
IsObjectChecks whether the object is an object pointer.
ToBoolGets the bool value.
ToInt8Gets the int8_t value.
ToUInt8Gets the uint8_t value.
ToInt16Gets the int16_t value.
ToUInt16Gets the uint16_t value.
ToInt32Gets the int32_t value.
ToUInt32Gets the uint32_t value.
ToInt64Gets the int64_t value.
ToUInt64Gets the uint64_t value.
ToFloatGets the float value.
ToDoubleGets the double value.
AsInt32Converts the object to an int32_t value, if object is number type.
AsDoubleConverts the object to a double value, if object is number type.
ToStringGets the String value.
ToDateGets the Date value.
ToColorGets the Color value.
ToRangeGets the Range value.
ToReferredAreaGets the ReferredArea value.
ToArray1DGets the one-dimensional array value.
ToArray2DGets the two-dimensional array value.