PivotField Class

PivotField class

Represents a field in a PivotTable report.

type PivotField struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetPivotItemsGets the pivot items of the pivot field
GetGroupSettingsGets the group settings of the pivot field.
InitPivotItemsInit the pivot items of the pivot field
GroupBy_Double_BoolAutomatically group the field with internal
GroupBy_Double_Double_Double_BoolGroup the file by number.
UngroupUngroup the pivot field.
GetPivotFilterByTypeGets the pivot filter of the pivot field by type
GetFiltersGets all pivot filters of this pivot field.
ClearFilterClears filter setting on this pivot field.
FilterTop10Filters by values of data pivot field.
FilterByValueFilters by values of data pivot field.
FilterByLabelFilters by captions of row or column pivot field.
FilterByDateFilters by date setting of row or column pivot field.
IsCalculatedFieldIndicates whether the specified PivotTable field is calculated field.
GetFormulaGets formula of the calculated field .
IsValueFieldsIndicates whether this field represents values fields.
GetBaseIndexRepresents the PivotField index in the base PivotFields.
SetBaseIndexRepresents the PivotField index in the base PivotFields.
GetPositionRepresents the index of PivotField in the region.
GetRegionTypeSpecifies the region of the PivotTable that this field is displayed.
GetNameRepresents the name of PivotField.
SetNameRepresents the name of PivotField.
GetDisplayNameRepresents the PivotField display name.
SetDisplayNameRepresents the PivotField display name.
SetSubtotalsSets whether the specified field shows that subtotals.
GetSubtotalsIndicates whether showing specified subtotal.
IsAutoSubtotalsIndicates whether the specified field shows automatic subtotals. Default is true.
SetIsAutoSubtotalsIndicates whether the specified field shows automatic subtotals. Default is true.
GetDragToColumnIndicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the column position.The default value is true.
SetDragToColumnIndicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the column position.The default value is true.
GetDragToHideIndicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the hide position.The default value is true.
SetDragToHideIndicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the hide position.The default value is true.
GetDragToRowIndicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the row position.The default value is true.
SetDragToRowIndicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the row position.The default value is true.
GetDragToPageIndicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the page position.The default value is true.
SetDragToPageIndicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the page position.The default value is true.
GetDragToDataIndicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the data position.The default value is true.
SetDragToDataIndicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the data position.The default value is true.
IsMultipleItemSelectionAllowedindicates whether the field can have multiple itemsselected in the page fieldThe default value is false.
SetIsMultipleItemSelectionAllowedindicates whether the field can have multiple itemsselected in the page fieldThe default value is false.
IsRepeatItemLabelsIndicates whether repeating labels of the field in the region.The default value is false.
SetIsRepeatItemLabelsIndicates whether repeating labels of the field in the region.The default value is false.
IsIncludeNewItemsInFilterIndicates whether including new items to the field in manual filter.The default value is false.
SetIsIncludeNewItemsInFilterIndicates whether including new items to the field in manual filter.The default value is false.
IsInsertPageBreaksBetweenItemsIndicates whether inserting page breaks after each item.The default value is false.
SetIsInsertPageBreaksBetweenItemsIndicates whether inserting page breaks after each item.The default value is false.
GetShowAllItemsIndicates whether all items displays in the PivotTable report,even if they don’t contain summary data.show items with no dataThe default value is false.
SetShowAllItemsIndicates whether all items displays in the PivotTable report,even if they don’t contain summary data.show items with no dataThe default value is false.
SortBy_SortOrder_IntSorts this pivot field.
SortBy_SortOrder_Int_PivotLineType_StringSorts this pivot field.
GetNonAutoSortDefaultIndicates whether a sort operation that will be applied to this pivot field is an autosort operation or a simple data sort.
SetNonAutoSortDefaultIndicates whether a sort operation that will be applied to this pivot field is an autosort operation or a simple data sort.
IsAutoSortIndicates whether the specified PivotTable field is automatically sorted.
SetIsAutoSortIndicates whether the specified PivotTable field is automatically sorted.
IsAscendSortIndicates whether the specified PivotTable field is autosorted ascending.
SetIsAscendSortIndicates whether the specified PivotTable field is autosorted ascending.
GetSortSettingGets all settings of auto sorting
GetAutoSortFieldRepresents the index of field which is auto sorted.-1 means PivotField itself,others means the position of the data fields.
SetAutoSortFieldRepresents the index of field which is auto sorted.-1 means PivotField itself,others means the position of the data fields.
IsAutoShowIndicates whether the specified PivotTable field is automatically shown,only valid for excel 2003.
SetIsAutoShowIndicates whether the specified PivotTable field is automatically shown,only valid for excel 2003.
IsAscendShowIndicates whether the specified PivotTable field is autoshown ascending.
SetIsAscendShowIndicates whether the specified PivotTable field is autoshown ascending.
GetAutoShowCountRepresent the number of top or bottom itemsthat are automatically shown in the specified PivotTable field.
SetAutoShowCountRepresent the number of top or bottom itemsthat are automatically shown in the specified PivotTable field.
GetAutoShowFieldRepresents auto show field index. -1 means PivotField itself.It should be the index of the data fields.
SetAutoShowFieldRepresents auto show field index. -1 means PivotField itself.It should be the index of the data fields.
GetFunctionRepresents the function used to summarize the PivotTable data field.
SetFunctionRepresents the function used to summarize the PivotTable data field.
ShowValuesAsShows values of data field as different display format when the ShowDataAs calculation is in use.
GetShowValuesSettingGets the settings of showing values as when the ShowDataAs calculation is in use.
GetCurrentPageItemRepresents the current page item showing for the page field (valid only for page fields).
SetCurrentPageItemRepresents the current page item showing for the page field (valid only for page fields).
GetNumberRepresents the built-in display format of numbers and dates.
SetNumberRepresents the built-in display format of numbers and dates.
GetInsertBlankRowIndicates whether inserting blank line after each item.
SetInsertBlankRowIndicates whether inserting blank line after each item.
GetShowSubtotalAtTopwhen ShowInOutlineForm is true, then display subtotals at the top of the list of items instead of at the bottom
SetShowSubtotalAtTopwhen ShowInOutlineForm is true, then display subtotals at the top of the list of items instead of at the bottom
GetShowInOutlineFormIndicates whether layout this field in outline form on the Pivot Table view
SetShowInOutlineFormIndicates whether layout this field in outline form on the Pivot Table view
Get_NumberFormatRepresents the custom display format of numbers and dates.
SetNumberFormatRepresents the custom display format of numbers and dates.
IsHiddenItemGets whether the specific PivotItem is hidden.
HideItem_Int_BoolSets whether the specific PivotItem in a data field is hidden.
IsHiddenItemDetailGets whether hidding the detail of the specific PivotItem..
HideItemDetailSets whether the specific PivotItem in a pivot field is hidden detail.
HideDetailSets whether the PivotItems in a pivot field is hidden detail.That is collapse/expand this field.
HideItem_String_BoolSets whether the specific PivotItem in a data field is hidden.
GetItemsGet all labels of pivot items in this field.
GetOriginalItemsGet the original base items;
GetItemCountGets the count of the base items in this pivot field.
AddCalculatedItemAdd a calculated formula item to the pivot field.
GetShowCompactIndicates whether display labels from the next field in the same column on the Pivot Table view
SetShowCompactIndicates whether display labels from the next field in the same column on the Pivot Table view