PivotGlobalizationSettings Class

PivotGlobalizationSettings class

Represents the globalization settings for pivot tables.

type PivotGlobalizationSettings struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewPivotGlobalizationSettingsDefault constructor.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetTextOfTotalGets the text of “Total” label in the PivotTable.You need to override this method when the PivotTable contains two or more PivotFields in the data area.
GetTextOfGrandTotalGets the text of “Grand Total” label in the PivotTable.
GetTextOfMultipleItemsGets the text of “(Multiple Items)” label in the PivotTable.
GetTextOfAllGets the text of “(All)” label in the PivotTable.
GetTextOfProtectedNameGets the text for specified protected name.
GetTextOfColumnLabelsGets the text of “Column Labels” label in the PivotTable.
GetTextOfRowLabelsGets the text of “Row Labels” label in the PivotTable.
GetTextOfEmptyDataGets the text of “(blank)” label in the PivotTable.
GetTextOfDataFieldHeaderGets the the text of the value area field header in the PivotTable.
GetShortTextOf12MonthsGets all short formatted string of 12 months.
GetTextOf4QuatersGets the local text of 4 Quaters.
GetTextOfYearsGets the local text of “Years”.
GetTextOfQuartersGet the local text of “Quarters”.
GetTextOfMonthsGets the local text of “Months”.
GetTextOfDaysGets the local text of “Days”.
GetTextOfHoursGets the local text of “Hours”.
GetTextOfMinutesGets the local text of “Minutes”.
GetTextOfSecondsGets the local text of “Seconds”
GetTextOfRangeGets the local text of “Range”
GetTextOfSubTotalGets the text of PivotFieldSubtotalType type in the PivotTable.